Lack of Paladin Kit Mods?

Is there a reason for there being so few mods for paladin kits? Compared to most other classes, it seems like the paladin isn't very popular to create kits for. Even the wonderful mod Divine Remix which has a lot of great cleric, druid and even ranger kits don't have anything for paladins. Considering that most faiths have an order of paladins, I'm surprised that there haven't been created more kits around them.
Just like Divine Remix has a Lorekeeper of Oghma kit for the cleric, they could have had a Lorehunter of Oghma for the paladin. "As a lorehunter of Oghma, you brave the dangers of the world to find precious works of art and literature."
As I'm not very experienced with creating kits, I'm unsure if there are some difficulties with creating paladin kits, or if it's just not as popular as creating kits for other classes.
Just like Divine Remix has a Lorekeeper of Oghma kit for the cleric, they could have had a Lorehunter of Oghma for the paladin. "As a lorehunter of Oghma, you brave the dangers of the world to find precious works of art and literature."
As I'm not very experienced with creating kits, I'm unsure if there are some difficulties with creating paladin kits, or if it's just not as popular as creating kits for other classes.
Personally I wish for a "paladin-as-multiclass-fighter(ranger)/cleric-kit" mod akin to what Might & Guile offers for bards. I should learn creating kits for that.
With the exception of Sword Dancer, Expanded Classes takes the Archer (ranger kit) and Kensai (fighter kit) and copy the kits onto the paladin class. I would consider it one unique kit.
The Artisan Kitpack has three unique paladin kits.
That's four unique kits, compared to the dozens of Rogue/Fighter/Cleric/Druid/Ranger/Etc.
There are a few paladin kits floating around, but there aren't many of them, and they're often very different from the original kits. I'm looking for something more 'simple', like what Divine Remix does with the cleric kits, and I'm trying to figure out why that hasn't been done for Paladin.
This is in no way a complaint, and I'm grateful for any kits that have been created. I'm just trying to figure out why paladin kits aren't as popular as other kits.
Example: Lorehunter og Oghma
+ Lore/Level
+ 1 or 2 innate spells (Identify - ????)
+ Summon weapon (Oghma's favored weapon was a longsword)
- Lay on Hands
- Minimum Intellect: 12/13 (with the way the rolling is done, this is sadly more of a benefit than disadvantage)
- ??
So in short, taking the formula of the original paladin kits and expanding on that. I might have to try creating something like this myself, I just wanted to know if there were some challenges with creating kits for the paladin, or if it's just unpopular in general and that's why there are so few.
Alternatively, you can also look through the AD&D (2E) Complete Paladin's Handbook for ideas. It's interesting to note that it's stated that paladins can dual-class in 2E P&P......
The Sirene mod also offers the Martyr kit which might make sense for IWD, less so for a Bhaalspawn though.
Keep in mind here though that the Cleric kits add really little to the game and Divine Remix just ran with this concept. All the other kits differ from the trueclass in a tradeoff while clerics are just "have a few inner abilities for an alignment restriction", making the trueclass irrelevant and for handling the additional pain for allowing the paladin to fall (especially when deities whose alignment aren't lawful good are thrown into the fray)... there's little gameplay value worth in doing this. I don't even run Divine Remix for exactly this reason, sure, it's flavor value is great but it's just flavor and food for a headcanon, but offers nothing beyond that.
That does look like what I'm after, I'm going to do some digging and see if it's possible to get them without using the sphere system. Thank you for the link!
Cavalier is very beginner friendly easy to use.
Inquisitor were popular and in the past it noted the strongest kit in the game.
Undead hunter is beginner friendly with its immunity to level drain.
On the other hand cleric kits are different gods priests, with some minor innate abilities, simply there were enough place to create lots of new kits.
Ranger kits are not that strong, mostly rp class and kits and a lots of modder try to create stronger or interesting kits.