Saved Games

I just opened NWN EE and went to saved games but nothing is there. I had saved a few games from yesterday and way back but there is nothing. When I go to my "saves" folder it includes saved games but 25th May was the last one. Where have they gone and how can I retrieve them
Nothing comes to mind.
I'm using the steam version, so there are some differences in where things are installed. Someone who is not using steam should have a little more insight.
You should be fine if you copy that folder and the override folder and save them somewhere safe. I've only ever had saves not work after using a development build of the game. I've never had a problem with official updates.
For fun, I just took a save from normal NWN and put it in my saves folder. It loaded fine in NWN EE.
What happens if you put half of the saved games into a backup folder? (Make is so there are like ~25 or less saved games in Neverwinter Nights > saves)
Do you just have too many saved games for the game to handle?
The other thing I would try, is to open the game, then copy the game you want to load into Neverwinter Nights.0 > saves. That's very tedious, but I wonder if it works.
Even though I've been playing NWN since like 2006, I only have about 10 saves. I usually delete all the saves from a play through once I complete a campaign, or just reuse them on the next one.
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