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Mobile Resolution

I’ve been playing NWN for a few weeks now and I’ve been trying to figure out why this game chugs so slow. No matter what I do, lower all the settings to lowest, I still only get ~20 FPS. Sometimes dropping to 16-19 FPS. If I raise the settings back up to about mid level, same thing, no real performance hit. I mean Genshin Impact and PUBG Boringgrounds run at a smooth 60 FPS. The only thing I can figure is that it’s locked at 1080p. Granted so is Genshin and PUBG. But at least they run smooth as silk. I think Beamdog should rush out a hot fix to be able to adjust resolution on mobile with upmost quickness. It’s become virtually unplayable. And it seems the more I play the slower it gets. What gives? ?‍♂️


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    What is your device and OS?
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    iPhone 8 Plus iOS 14.6
    I’m doing a new install. I’ll update if that fixes.
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    edited June 2021
    @JuliusBorisov Uninstall/reinstall didn’t fix. I’m getting an unusual resolution in settings.tml where before it would show 1920x1080 now it shows 736x414 under [ graphics window full screen]
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Hmm, the last iOS patch improved perfomance generally, it's odd that it seems to be worse (?) for you. What will happen when you change different graphical settings (eg. disabling shaders)?
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    edited June 2021
    @JuliusBorisov I think it may be PRC related. Sorry for the scare. At the end of Port Last chapter it started bogging down. I suppose it’s prc quest/scripts? I don’t know but I finished Port L and once I got to Luskan it back to full speed.? I did mess around with a lot of stuff in settings.tml. And I spoke with PRC and they don’t think it was on their end.
    Post edited by Allanon81 on
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