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NTotSC questions to quests

LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
edited July 2021 in BG:EE Mods
So I made the mistake of first talking to Reedig after killing Aec'Letec many many hours of playing ago, now Haeball will immediately attack me, when I try to talk to him. Is it possible to use EEKeeper to temporarily edit some global variable in order to appease Haeball for now?
Post edited by Lunever on


  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Look here.
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    edited July 2021
    a) So having talked to Reedig can be re-edited (variable Global("NTTalkedToReedig","GLOBAL"), however I also killed Draagis, how can Imake Haeball ignore this?

    b) After talking to Shaella in the Blade&Star when returning from the second visit to candlekeep, some guy named Hasdar is supposed to talk to me according to NtoSC walkthroughs. Didn't show up, at least not in the blade&star. Where exactly is he supposed to appear?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    a) The answer I gave at SHS (link above) is not sufficient?
    b) outside the inn, SE Baldur's Gate, coordinates [100.680].
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    edited July 2021
    @jastey I appreciate your help very much. Still I would really like to make the Haeball quest, since it is something I havent't done before in previous games, and in my current game I don't want to start over like some 60 hours of playing. Indeed you did tell me, how I can untalk to Reedig - however since I killed Draagis shortly after having talkend to Reedig, Haeball is still attacking me even after setting the global variable to "2". Since you seem to have a great deal of knowledge about BG an NTotSC - do you think there is a way of temporarily make Haeball not be triggered to attack due to Draagis' death by some further EEKeeper editing? Simply dropping the Ring from the Grave unfortunately doesn't do the job.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Which global variable did you set to "2"? The "SPRITE_IS_DEADNTDRAAGI" I suggested would also need to be set to "0", did you try that? You could also do this via EE Keeper - I think.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited July 2021
    To be more precise. This is the dialogue state you want to prevent:
    /* either heard about cult from Reedrig or destroyed cult already */
    IF WEIGHT #0
    SAY @6
    IF ~~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@10016)
    Enemy()~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL @10017 EXIT

    I'd suggest you cheat the following before talking to Haeball after killing Draagis:


    EDIT: corrected spelling of cheat command
    Post edited by jastey on
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    Thanks, I gonna try that, probably tomorrow, and report back whether it worked
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    So it partially worked, Haeball does not attack me anymore and acts as a normal shopkeeper. However, Hasdar does not appear, so Lobar won't point me to Oupaste.
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    But I set NTTALKEDTOHASDAR to "2", after that, Lobar can be negotiated with.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    The cheats were for talking to Haeball only. You need to reset them to the values they were before to continue the quest normally. The path you are on now is not considered, so good luck.
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    Well, it worked so far, all quests succesfully accomplished, thank you very much for pointing me toward the solution.
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