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BG/2EE changing Innate abilities and converting them into the spellbook?

RekunaRekuna Member Posts: 4
Hi Guys,

It's not really to cheat or give myself an edge (actually it's the opposite, as it will potentially use up spellslots) but I was hoping to move Paladin abilities from the innate button, and have them appear in the Priest spellbook they have access to instead. The reason for this is so everything is nice and tidy under one tab among other things.

I've been exploring Near Infinity a bit so I just need to know where to look.

A side question (although related to near infinity) would be: How can I get rid of the section in the Inquisitors skill sheet that says 'Turn Undead level: ###' and just hide or remove it, as Inquisitors don't have that ability. I assume it's possible because they have the 'Lay on Hands: ###' level hidden (another ability they lose access to) and is not there like it is on the other Paladin kits.

Thank you for any help!


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,964
    Actually showing up in the priest spellbook - things you memorize and fit into slots - would require several steps. The main-sequence spells require a code in the right range, and can't be given to paladins without also showing up for clerics. The only exclusion flags for spells are "not for paladins/clerics" and "not for druids/shamans.
    To restrict it further, there's something like the Avenger solution; mark things as priest spells (spell type Priest (2)), don't give them a code to be universally known, and add them as spells known in the kit's CLAB. This has the drawback that any spells handled this way can't be memorized at character creation, and are forgotten whenever the character leaves the party.
    You probably don't want this.

    Having a spell show up on the spellcasting button while still being innate, by contrast, is much simpler. Keep its type as Innate (4), but edit the spell abilities (the actual payload) with "Ability location: Ability (4)"

    The inquisitor might give you some headaches. Its non-spellcasting is covered by SPCL234 (disable spell select button) and SPCL234D (disable priest spellcasting), which you might need to change if you're putting other things on the spellcasting button.. Its lack of Turn Undead is also a disabled button - the Inquisitor has a Turn Undead level, but can't activate the ability.
    That gets into interface stuff, for which I really don't know much. Find an interface modder if you want to maybe change that display.
  • RekunaRekuna Member Posts: 4
    jmerry wrote: »
    Having a spell show up on the spellcasting button while still being innate, by contrast, is much simpler. Keep its type as Innate (4), but edit the spell abilities (the actual payload) with "Ability location: Ability (4)"

    The inquisitor might give you some headaches. Its non-spellcasting is covered by SPCL234 (disable spell select button) and SPCL234D (disable priest spellcasting), which you might need to change if you're putting other things on the spellcasting button.. Its lack of Turn Undead is also a disabled button - the Inquisitor has a Turn Undead level, but can't activate the ability.
    That gets into interface stuff, for which I really don't know much. Find an interface modder if you want to maybe change that display.

    That's actually an easier, and much cleaner way to do things actually - thank you so much!

    In regards to the 'Turn Undead' level being there when it's not an option shouldn't bother me, but it does! Haha I think I just want everything to be tidy in my character sheet. There will be some way to strip it out somehow as the Inquisitor Kit is still based on the Paladin class but has stripped out the 'Lay on Hands Level:' portion of the skillsheet. It may be beyond my capability but i'm also looking into that and comparing Inquisitor to Paladin.

  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Kit unusability flags 0x20 and 0x10 both suppress the "Lay on Hands" string.
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