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Summoned to Harper Hold door locked

sarevok2sarevok2 Member Posts: 6
Heya all. First post ever so apologies for any mistake.

In a recent boot of nostalgia I bought the BG2 EE from GOG. Currently running my first game in this version and I run into a problem. I'm playing in the latest version without any mods.

I'm halfway Ch2, romancing Jaheira, so far so good. I reached the point where you are ambushed from bandits after resting and she is summoned immediatelly afterwards to the Hold (i picked all the proper answers romance wise).

Problem is:
a) Upon return, Jaheira gives the ''friendly'' greeting ('i said I would return...'') instead of the romance one ('there you are..''), indicating that the romance is broken somehow?
b) Upon traveling immediately to the Docks, the door to the Harper's Hold is locked and cannot be opened.

Potentially related, when trying to do the 'animal trouble in trademeet', when speaking with Cernd in prison, I receive the message ''No valid replies or links' and the dialogue collapses. I saw somewhere else that Jaheira seems to be causing a problem in the dialogue and indeed upon killing her manually, the conversation is completed (weirdly enough later Faldorn doesn't seem to recognise Jaheira either, accepting a challenge only from Cernd).

Disclaimer that at some point before, I used the EEKeeper to manually restore Jaheira's Charisma back to her default when I realised I had equipped her the Rod of Terror. I relaunched an unedited game just to be sure and the ''no valid replies or links' problem remains. I just mention this for full disclosure.

So essentially, tldr, I cannot access Harpers Hold upon summoned. I played the old BG2 countless times and this is the first time I encounter these weird bugs. Any help would be really appreciated.


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    sounds like you have a corrupted install, i've never heard of such problems without mods, the "No valid replies or links" is due to the fact that the game cannot find the appropriate dialog.tlk stref lines

    are you playing the game in a different language? If so, try changing it to english and see if that works?

    also what you can try doing is saving your "save game" somewhere and completely uninstalling and deleting everything and then reinstalling your game and see if that helps some what

    also, if you can't reach the harper hold, you can just teleport in there using the cheat console;

  • sarevok2sarevok2 Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for your reply! (and apologies for usurping your username ^^)

    Yes, the game is installed in english, its as default installation as possible.

    I reinstalled the game and reloaded my previous saves but unfortunately problem remained.

    I don't have much experience with the cheat console, I will give it a shot tomorrow.

    The fact that as I mentioned Jaheira returns as 'a friend' makes me believe something is really screwed up.

    Worse case scenario, I could retry a clean installation and a fresh beginning but I would rather avoid replayng basically 25% of the game again in such short notice....
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    haha no worries about the user name, sarevok is no doubt a popular guy in the BG series

    also, back in the day, jaheira's romance has been quite buggy, but i would have thought that over the years, her romance would have been fixed by now

    the thing i find strange though is the "No valid replies or links"

    usually that only happens with mods needing different dialog strefs than the one you have

    just out of curiosity what is the exact size of your dialog.tlk file? ( go inside the baldur's gate directory file where you see things like; -CommonRedist, data, dlc, lang, ect and go into the "lang" folder, than go into the "en_US" folder, in there you will see the dialog.tlk file, and in KB it should be at least 4629, if for some reason it is smaller, that could be the reason why you may be getting the "No valid replies or links" response

    for the cheat console, go to your documents folder and open up the baldur's gate folder there, and there you will find a LUA file, open that up with notepad, once you do, you are going to copy/paste this line into there;

    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

    this will activate the cheat console, then in game, press crt+space bar and copy paste this;


    into the section where you can type stuff and then press enter and then you will be teleported into the compound ( just make sure your entire party is selected )

    if all else fails, you can give me a copy of your saved game, and then i can and mess around with some globals and variables to get things back on track
  • sarevok2sarevok2 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2021

    I checked the dialog.tlk file and its size is 11.381 KB...

    I followed your suggestion to 'teleport' the party using the console inside the Hold and so far everything is working perfectly (well not so much for Galvarey and lackeys ^^).

    I also tried to use the console to progress the Jaheira romance a bit and so far it seems it is active. Weird that it seemingly deactivated itself just for when she departed...

    Anyways thank you very much for your help and time! Hopefully, I won't encounter any other bugs and in the next event the Hold's door will be open ^^

    ps. I have a save game encountering the ''No valid replies or links'' when first talking to Cernd with Jaheira in the party if you want to check it out, out of academic curiosity.

    EDIT: the game is still slightly a mess mind you, when Rivienne appears (just herself without a party) she fails to interact with Jaheira and behaves as if she is not there. Later though the romance continues normally. What a mess lol.

    Never had these problems with the original BG2 so slighlty disappointed I must say though.
    Post edited by sarevok2 on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    so, first of all, that dialog file is extremely small, that is probably why you are having a lot of problems

    i will give you a copy of mine here and i want you to try replacing yours with mine, and then that should hopefully fix your no reply links and hopefully some of the bugs that you are having

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Sarevok57 helping Sarevok2. Only on the Beamdog forum, the Bhaalspawns help each other!
  • sarevok2sarevok2 Member Posts: 6
    @sarevok57 I don't thik its extremely small? If anything is almost 3 times the file you offer 11 vs 4 (thanks btw! Will give it a shot)

    Or am I missing something?

    @JuliusBorisov well not entirerly true, Charname and Imoen are quite supportive to each other, no? ^^
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    sarevok2 wrote: »
    @sarevok57 I don't thik its extremely small? If anything is almost 3 times the file you offer 11 vs 4 (thanks btw! Will give it a shot)

    Or am I missing something?

    @JuliusBorisov well not entirerly true, Charname and Imoen are quite supportive to each other, no? ^^

    your dialog file is 11 KB mine is over 4600 KB, which means my dialog file is over 400 times bigger, unless you meant to say 11.381 MB which would be incredibly odd for why it would be so big

    although worse case scenario, you can save your dialog.tlk file somewhere else before you replace it with mine, and if your bugs get worse afterwards, then you can always swap it back

    but i'm pretty sure your having dialog.tlk troubles at least for some of your bugs, and having that incredibly small dialog file ( if it indeed actually is only 11 KB ) makes sense as to why you are having them
  • sarevok2sarevok2 Member Posts: 6
    Yes, that's what I meant.

    My dialog.tlk file is 11.1 MB whereas the file you offered is 4.51 MB... As to why is it so bigger, dunno we should ask Beamdog.

    As I said, I have made the most default installation possible of the game through GOG, with literaly nothing added/modified.

    Anyway, I will give it a shot too with your file. Although at this point I guess I will just carry on or say to hell with it and restart the game maybe with something new this time, like Mazzy romance mod ^^

    It's just frustrating to find bugs in the enhanced version that I never saw in the 100+ games of the original. Ah well.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    sarevok2 wrote: »
    Yes, that's what I meant.

    My dialog.tlk file is 11.1 MB whereas the file you offered is 4.51 MB... As to why is it so bigger, dunno we should ask Beamdog.

    As I said, I have made the most default installation possible of the game through GOG, with literaly nothing added/modified.

    Anyway, I will give it a shot too with your file. Although at this point I guess I will just carry on or say to hell with it and restart the game maybe with something new this time, like Mazzy romance mod ^^

    It's just frustrating to find bugs in the enhanced version that I never saw in the 100+ games of the original. Ah well.

    if you own steam i'm pretty sure you can get a steam key so you can download free for steam

    i play the steam version and have no problems with it

    or you could try it through the deamdog client instead, i also think you can get some sort of "key" if you own the game you can download it there and perhaps it will play better on one of those platforms?
  • sarevok2sarevok2 Member Posts: 6
    I will see if I can check it through steam then....

    Thanks for your assistance! You were great help in accessing the Hold!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    no worries good buddy :)
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