great things about the game you're rediscovering (spoilers abound)

I've been away from this game for a long time now, and I'm really enjoying some of the things I had forgotten about.
One quick example: the banters between Xzar/Monty and Janheira/Khalid. They're hilarious. I wasn't going to use either of those pairs in this game. But I figured what the heck. Let me use them both to complete the Nashkel mines. I'm so glad I decided to. I'm actually hoping that I get to see them duke it out.
I know I'm in for a lot more treats like this. Although my game is going to be more about getting to know the three new NPCs.
If you're well acquainted with the game and coming back to it now after some years, what are some of the things you're taking pleasure in revisiting?
One quick example: the banters between Xzar/Monty and Janheira/Khalid. They're hilarious. I wasn't going to use either of those pairs in this game. But I figured what the heck. Let me use them both to complete the Nashkel mines. I'm so glad I decided to. I'm actually hoping that I get to see them duke it out.
I know I'm in for a lot more treats like this. Although my game is going to be more about getting to know the three new NPCs.
If you're well acquainted with the game and coming back to it now after some years, what are some of the things you're taking pleasure in revisiting?
Post edited by Lemernis on
I'm loving right-clicking on everyone until they yell at me. I was never able to do that in Tutu.
Then all four of them leave my party and "begin fighting". I put begin fighting in quotation marks, because what followed made me pause the game and laugh to myself for a moment.
Khalid walks towards Xzar. Xzar casts Larloch's Minor Drain on him. Jaheira begins casting what I guess was probably Entangle, since it's what she has memorized.
Then she dies.
Montaron, not even stealthed, walks up and crits her in the face for 12 damage. She dies.
Khalid's morale breaks and he runs away while Montaron and Xzar follow him, slowly stabbing him to death with Monty's short sword and Xzar's dagger.
God I love the Zhentarim. I had literally *just* picked the Harpers up and Xzar somehow had already enraged Jaheira to the point where they had to fight. I've had these four in my party before, and made it all the way through the Nashkel Mines before they came to blows. Hell, I've even had them in my party all the way into the Cloakwood Mines before they even spoke to each other. This time, however... no banter, no interjections, no snide remarks. Just "Goddamn Zhents!" followed by "Meddlesome Harper bitch!" and then a couple dead Harpers, while I laugh maniacally.
I encountered the new NPC's before the Nashkel mine so I never got to see them off each other.
I wonder of the trigger of the fight is one side calling the other out as spies. I.e., if that line randomly fires, it's on.
When you click a place for her to go, she says, "Ok."
When you click in quick succession, she says, "Men are.... Ok."
How could I have forgotten? I love the bandit soundset. That laugh is just so... Nyahaha!
This is just a fantasy, but I'd enjoy seeing a mod one day for a haggling system for magical items that uses
- weights for the seller's and merchant's respective Lore abilities
- weights for the seller's and merchant's respective Charisma scores
- party reputation
- dice roll for the market for that type of item at that particular time
- dice roll for mood of the merchant
There's a one time only opportunity to make the transaction for that item with that merchant.Think Rick from Pawn Stars.
Some merchants like Thalantyr, Thunderhammer, and the dude at Sorcerous Sundries (forget the wizard's name) may pay higher prices, because they have high end buyers. Those merchants are all going to have high Cha because they're in the business--i.e., they're persuasive due to their extensive knowledge. The other less knowledgeable merchants don't offer a very high price, even on a good day. When the market is favorable and they're in a good mood, the seller does okay. But, anyway, only when one of the high end dealers a) has a good market for the item, and b) is in a particularly good mood, does the seller come away with large coin purse.
Just my fantasy. No one is going to the trouble to create such a mod.
I'm totally digging the new features: zoom, new UI, and new cinematics. All great.
I really like them a lot, and they are indeed major enhancements. Viewing the new movies in-game is very different than seeing them in isolation, as we inspected them pre-release. The new graphic novel style works, for me anyway. I look forward to seeing more of these movies, as I'm hoping to see replacements for most (if not all) of the ones that were in the original game.
Oddly enough, I kind of miss the resting movie at inns.
I got a kick (no pun intended) out of seeing Rasaad busting his moves as I entered Nashkel. I'll come back for him. I won't be adding any of the three new characters until I complete the Nashkel mines. But that should be some time today. After I say so long to Xzar, Monty, Jaheira, and Khalid, I look forward to adding Rasaad, Dorn, Viconia, and Neera.
Anyway, really loving this frabjerous mix of the old and the new!
"Okay, I've just about had my FILL of riddle-asking, quest-assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength and above all patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick, or I'm going to take a large, blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the Nine Hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
"No, we're not mercenaries. We just carry weapons and kill things for the joy of the experience."
"For your information, a number of important sociological and psychological theorists have posited that stores exist in an intermediate space, neither private nor public in nature but combining elements of both. Displays in store windows, for instance, can best be viewed as mental constructs projected onto the public consciousness as a means of engendering mass conformity derived solely from the supposedly private domain of consumer choice.........."
For example, as would be perfectly in character for Montaron, in this game I had him gut Noober. And I also cashed in at the store on Prism's emeralds. I want to keep rep mid range--and the party's rep is already 13 and I haven't even done the mines yet!
Before long I'm going to have to think of ways for characters to lower Rep, as would be in-character for them. I'm finding it a lot more fun to do this than just follow the heroic script. My CHARNAME has CHa 10, so it seems sensible that others in the party are basically going to do whatever they please.
Edit: Another example of keeping rep mid-range is not doing errands like Kylee's dagger. Er, come again? Return a miner's dagger? Really? We're busy saving the Sword Coast!