Part of it may also be due to governments trying to prevent "pandemic fatigue". People generally want to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that their efforts are having an impact. With massive scale events like pandemics that take a very long time to resolve (and honestly, may never fully go away. It's entirely possible COVID will become just another disease we have to live with and get booster shots every year or so, if the rapid pace of the mutant variants is anything to go by), because otherwise people get tired/discouraged and just stop doing the right things. I personally feel it's a dangerous risk that countries who aren't close to the herd immunity threshold shouldn't be doing, but perhaps it's a calculated gamble on the CDC's part to make people think that "hey, if we get vaccinated, there are immediate benefits that will help get my life back to normal!" to help "normalize" the vaccine and subtly encourage people who haven't yet been vaccinated to take it up.
About three weeks ago the government here said we can do without measures. You can do parties again without restrictions if you can prove with the covid app or a quick test at entry that you are safe. Last week it became that testing at entry does not work, and there were some superspreader events of more than 20k people where more than 10% of the people got infected.
Mostly teens and twenties because after a long stay at home they were given the illusion that having your shots would be enough.
About three weeks ago the government here said we can do without measures. You can do parties again without restrictions if you can prove with the covid app or a quick test at entry that you are safe. Last week it became that testing at entry does not work, and there were some superspreader events of more than 20k people where more than 10% of the people got infected.
Mostly teens and twenties because after a long stay at home they were given the illusion that having your shots would be enough.
Woohoo! Fourth wave here.
Deaths and critical medical emergencies are way down from the beginning though, correct? At a certain point Covid-19 will just be another flu. It won't be eradicated, but it will be minimized. How is the Netherlands doing as far as vaccinations? That's another driver in controlling the severity.
One of the top countries in vaccination rate. Probably middle now since people have to reschedule.
While the effect on youth is not as severe as for the elderly, they have a chance for long covid complaints which are not very pleasant (talking to one of the parents at school who has it and whose oldest has is too).
It will be another flu, sure, but that will take some time. The variants mutate too fast currently to cypher it away.
The infection rate still is low in Germany, but slowly going up again.
One problem is that now that everyone who wants to can get a vaccination, a lot of people cancel their second appointment and rather go on a holiday, are too lazy because the numbers are low or just don't want to.
It's understandable that people want to enjoy their freedom and do all the things they couldn't do for a long time.
It's also understandable that some people don't trust the whole vaccination thing.
But I still don't really get it.
When the vaccinations weren't available for everyone (the elderly and people in certain professions and life conditions came first), people even lied to get one (said they were nurses or had to care for a sick family member when this wasn't true) to get one faster and now many lost interest? Just because a lot of things are open again and the numbers are low?
If the vaccinations continue at the current rate, everything will be locked down again next autumn, if not earlier.
What I do understand is that something else has been occupying people more than Corona lately.
The water disaster caused by too much rain. Houses breaking down, people vanishing and dying... I have relatives living not far from where it was worst. But I heard from them, they are alive and well.
Just seen this video about the Delta variant over on YouTube (FWIW Sci-Show are usually pretty accurate). I already knew that a single dose wasn't enough, I just wasn't aware of how much the efficacy dropped.
In other news, there seem to have quite a few higher profile anti-vaxers dying lately, at least according to the news stories over on Yahoo (sorry no links).
The worry over low vaccination rates isn't just more people getting sick and more people dying. It's that it provides more time and incubation for even MORE mutations to surface. I'm just so disgusted with all of this. The US should (collectively) be ashamed of itself.
My understanding is that the smallpox vaccine left a visible scar, and that people wore it as a badge of honor. At this point, at the risk of sounding jingoistic (which I hate), this issue needs to be framed as those who are patriotic and those who aren't. If we can't even mobilize for something like this, what's gonna happen when a crisis 10x worse confronts us??
An interesting article explaining some of the reasons the US really screwed the pooch on Covid-19. It's not solely the fault of the anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers apparently...
@Balrog99 I'd put most of the blame on the political angle. When you convince 30% of Americans that a global pandemic is a hoax or a "liberal conspiracy", bad things happen.
@Balrog99 I'd put most of the blame on the political angle. When you convince 30% of Americans that a global pandemic is a hoax or a "liberal conspiracy", bad things happen.
True, but contact-tracing was never going to happen in this country regardless of the politics from what this article says. Why did they waste so much time talking about it? The testing was pretty much a joke too at the beginning. We were caught with our proverbial pants down, and Trump whipped out his Johnson to make it even worse...
We need to go back to the beginning of the awareness this was going to be a problem, which was sometime around late January/early February of 2020. The rhetoric being pushed in partisan media (as in, right-wing media) was that the virus was either a.) not real at all b.) no more lethal than the common flu and c.) would never reach American shores in any meaningful capacity.
This is what millions upon millions of people were told from jump-street about COVID-19, and it ALSO had the element of making it tied to their political identity. So when it all turned out not to just be wrong, but all-time wrong, the only way to save face for most people who had been SO adamant about denying the coming crisis was to continue to make up fairy tales in order to never have to deal with how wrong they were. This is a situation where people would literally rather die (and are certainly willing to let OTHER people die) than admit they made a mistake.
We need to go back to the beginning of the awareness this was going to be a problem, which was sometime around late January/early February of 2020. The rhetoric being pushed in partisan media (as in, right-wing media) was that the virus was either a.) not real at all b.) no more lethal than the common flu and c.) would never reach American shores in any meaningful capacity.
This is what millions upon millions of people were told from jump-street about COVID-19, and it ALSO had the element of making it tied to their political identity. So when it all turned out not to just be wrong, but all-time wrong, the only way to save face for most people who had been SO adamant about denying the coming crisis was to continue to make up fairy tales in order to never have to deal with how wrong they were. This is a situation where people would literally rather die (and are certainly willing to let OTHER people die) than admit they made a mistake.
Apocalypse movies probably didn't help either. I swear nothing less than The Stand level of lethalness would change the minds of some of these people. When you're used to sitting on your couch eating popcorn and watching The Walking Dead, Covid just doesn't seem that bad unless you're directly affected by it.
(Just another idea I've had to explain this debacle)
Is the source of the virus of any interest to you fellow Americans at this point?
I ask this because now here in China there's the conspiracy theory that it came from US's evil lab and was spread in Wuhan on purpose. I find it funny because a little more than a year ago there's also a conspiracy theory about a certain lab in China, with some papers related to similar viruses as "evidence".
Anyway people tend to forget, I just didn't realize our propaganda offices can always make us pick the answers which is most "anti-US", no matter how ridiculous it is.
Is the source of the virus of any interest to you fellow Americans at this point?
I ask this because now here in China there's the conspiracy theory that it came from US's evil lab and was spread in Wuhan on purpose. I find it funny because a little more than a year ago there's also a conspiracy theory about a certain lab in China, with some papers related to similar viruses as "evidence".
Anyway people tend to forget, I just didn't realize our propaganda offices can always make us pick the answers which is most "anti-US", no matter how ridiculous it is.
The origin seems kind of immaterial to me at this point when, as of the last few days, 70% of the poison control center calls in Mississippi are due to people ingesting a drug found in livestock dewormer because it's been advocated as a way to treat COVID-19 in certain sections of the media, Facebook and YouTube when there is frickin' vaccine available for free.
The origin seems kind of immaterial to me at this point when, as of the last few days, 70% of the poison control center calls in Mississippi are due to people ingesting a drug found in livestock dewormer because it's been advocated as a way to treat COVID-19 in certain sections of the media, Facebook and YouTube when there is frickin' vaccine available for free.
That's…wow. The media make fun of this kind of news quite often. All these are being used as the evidence of the superiority of our constitution. The "only we have THE TRUTH" mood is at its highest since I was born.
I'm sure all of the vaccine hesitant folks who were waiting for full FDA approval here in the ?? will be lining up for their shot now that it's fully approved......
Bwaah, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Sorry, couldn't hold it in... ?
I'm sure all of the vaccine hesitant folks who were waiting for full FDA approval here in the ?? will be lining up for their shot now that it's fully approved......
Bwaah, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Sorry, couldn't hold it in... ?
Been scrolling social media posts about this. They're all so full of shit. Pretending this was never a talking point and basically just refusing to come up with any excuse whatsoever and defiantly saying "don't care, still not getting it". Seen a smattering of "deep state" and "big pharma" mentions.
But seriously, I'm not sure what you are supposed to do in a national "debate" or "discussion" when one side is operating in 110% bad faith at all times, and is simply reaching for whatever series of words or gestures will score points in the immediate conversation or online dialogue they are having. It's like trying to chase a dollar bill in a hurricane.
They will present themselves as people who COULD be convinced if you just address "x, x, and x" but this isn't the case, and they know it. And I heard a pretty great explanation of why from someone I was listening to today. Their goal isn't to win an argument. It's to make sure the argument never stops.
The problem is this isn't something that can just be ignored. It would be wonderful if we WEREN'T being forced to have this discussion ever again, but there are people who are forcing us to have it. They either can't conceive of or (more likely) don't care that this is having an impact on EVERYONE, and it's not really possible to opt out of it like you would someone's taste in music or movies, or even most run of the mill political issues. It's a societal problem certain people are treating like it's an individual decision of whether to drink or not. What it's actually like is people who decide to drink and DRIVE, and acting like THAT also only effects them.
Just as an aside, I just saw a tweet from CNN that went up about getting your flu shot early this year if that is something you usually do. Within 30 seconds, it was filled with about a dozen comments about how the flu shot is a scam. I think you're going to see a resurgence of some seriously problematic diseases we've all but eradicated within the next couple decades because of the rhetoric being passed around right now. I wouldn't bat an eye if they politicized the need for stop signs at intersections at this point.
I wouldn't bat an eye if they politicized the need for stop signs at intersections at this point.
Only if there's money to be made from it. It would appear that a lot of this anti-vax rhetoric stems from certain (modern equivalent to) snake-oil scammers out to make a quick buck from peddling their so-called medicines. Remember Trump's bleach fiasco? Turns out there is someone online who basically sells bleach as medicine. Sorry I've no links but this information was gleaned from a recent UK TV program that investigated this.
I wouldn't bat an eye if they politicized the need for stop signs at intersections at this point.
Only if there's money to be made from it. It would appear that a lot of this anti-vax rhetoric stems from certain (modern equivalent to) snake-oil scammers out to make a quick buck from peddling their so-called medicines. Remember Trump's bleach fiasco? Turns out there is someone online who basically sells bleach as medicine. Sorry I've no links but this information was gleaned from a recent UK TV program that investigated this.
Why use bleach when you can just buy some Heartguard +? You get Ivermectin and Pyrantel, two anti-worm medications for the price of one! Hell, buy some dogfood while you're at it. I'm sure the government is lacing people food with all kinds of mind-control drugs and sex-changing hormones... ?
Number of deaths/day in the US is where it was last November. Even though this is August. Just goes to show not only the importance of vaccination but also how infectious Delta is.
By comparison, here is Canada (where the percentage of all people fully vaccinated is about 14% higher).
I wouldn't bat an eye if they politicized the need for stop signs at intersections at this point.
Only if there's money to be made from it. It would appear that a lot of this anti-vax rhetoric stems from certain (modern equivalent to) snake-oil scammers out to make a quick buck from peddling their so-called medicines. Remember Trump's bleach fiasco? Turns out there is someone online who basically sells bleach as medicine. Sorry I've no links but this information was gleaned from a recent UK TV program that investigated this.
Why use bleach when you can just buy some Heartguard +? You get Ivermectin and Pyrantel, two anti-worm medications for the price of one! Hell, buy some dogfood while you're at it. I'm sure the government is lacing people food with all kinds of mind-control drugs and sex-changing hormones... ?
There is some evidence Ivermectin can quell viral infections. The problem is the levels you would need to ingest to do so are toxic to humans. The doses people are taking on their own are basically placebos, like an asthma inhaler filled with nothing but water. Nevermind the "logic" involved in not wanting to take you doctor's advise, but are willing to self-administer a de-worming paste you found in the livestock aisle because of something you read on Facebook.
I wouldn't bat an eye if they politicized the need for stop signs at intersections at this point.
Only if there's money to be made from it. It would appear that a lot of this anti-vax rhetoric stems from certain (modern equivalent to) snake-oil scammers out to make a quick buck from peddling their so-called medicines. Remember Trump's bleach fiasco? Turns out there is someone online who basically sells bleach as medicine. Sorry I've no links but this information was gleaned from a recent UK TV program that investigated this.
Why use bleach when you can just buy some Heartguard +? You get Ivermectin and Pyrantel, two anti-worm medications for the price of one! Hell, buy some dogfood while you're at it. I'm sure the government is lacing people food with all kinds of mind-control drugs and sex-changing hormones... ?
There is some evidence Ivermectin can quell viral infections. The problem is the levels you would need to ingest to do so are toxic to humans. The doses people are taking on their own are basically placebos, like an asthma inhaler filled with nothing but water. Nevermind the "logic" involved in not wanting to take you doctor's advise, but are willing to self-administer a de-worming paste you found in the livestock aisle because of something you read on Facebook.
"Lookey here, Vern. This here stuff c'n cure Covid sure's my left ankle hurts when a cyclone's a'brewin. I know cuz my Aunt Joline's friend Katey just told my Cousin Lance about seein' it on Telegram yesterday. It's supposed to work even better'n Cohloydal Silver!"
Kashmir man who has been dead for sixty years ‘receives both doses’ of Covid vaccine
I didn't think the undead actually existed or suffered from anything other than rotting/wasting diseases
I guess we'll have to start burying people with their masks on. Who knows how many of the dead folks in the cemetary have had their shots!
About three weeks ago the government here said we can do without measures. You can do parties again without restrictions if you can prove with the covid app or a quick test at entry that you are safe. Last week it became that testing at entry does not work, and there were some superspreader events of more than 20k people where more than 10% of the people got infected.
Mostly teens and twenties because after a long stay at home they were given the illusion that having your shots would be enough.
Woohoo! Fourth wave here.
Deaths and critical medical emergencies are way down from the beginning though, correct? At a certain point Covid-19 will just be another flu. It won't be eradicated, but it will be minimized. How is the Netherlands doing as far as vaccinations? That's another driver in controlling the severity.
While the effect on youth is not as severe as for the elderly, they have a chance for long covid complaints which are not very pleasant (talking to one of the parents at school who has it and whose oldest has is too).
It will be another flu, sure, but that will take some time. The variants mutate too fast currently to cypher it away.
One problem is that now that everyone who wants to can get a vaccination, a lot of people cancel their second appointment and rather go on a holiday, are too lazy because the numbers are low or just don't want to.
It's understandable that people want to enjoy their freedom and do all the things they couldn't do for a long time.
It's also understandable that some people don't trust the whole vaccination thing.
But I still don't really get it.
When the vaccinations weren't available for everyone (the elderly and people in certain professions and life conditions came first), people even lied to get one (said they were nurses or had to care for a sick family member when this wasn't true) to get one faster and now many lost interest? Just because a lot of things are open again and the numbers are low?
If the vaccinations continue at the current rate, everything will be locked down again next autumn, if not earlier.
What I do understand is that something else has been occupying people more than Corona lately.
The water disaster caused by too much rain. Houses breaking down, people vanishing and dying... I have relatives living not far from where it was worst. But I heard from them, they are alive and well.
In other news, there seem to have quite a few higher profile anti-vaxers dying lately, at least according to the news stories over on Yahoo (sorry no links).
My understanding is that the smallpox vaccine left a visible scar, and that people wore it as a badge of honor. At this point, at the risk of sounding jingoistic (which I hate), this issue needs to be framed as those who are patriotic and those who aren't. If we can't even mobilize for something like this, what's gonna happen when a crisis 10x worse confronts us??
True, but contact-tracing was never going to happen in this country regardless of the politics from what this article says. Why did they waste so much time talking about it? The testing was pretty much a joke too at the beginning. We were caught with our proverbial pants down, and Trump whipped out his Johnson to make it even worse...
This is what millions upon millions of people were told from jump-street about COVID-19, and it ALSO had the element of making it tied to their political identity. So when it all turned out not to just be wrong, but all-time wrong, the only way to save face for most people who had been SO adamant about denying the coming crisis was to continue to make up fairy tales in order to never have to deal with how wrong they were. This is a situation where people would literally rather die (and are certainly willing to let OTHER people die) than admit they made a mistake.
Apocalypse movies probably didn't help either. I swear nothing less than The Stand level of lethalness would change the minds of some of these people. When you're used to sitting on your couch eating popcorn and watching The Walking Dead, Covid just doesn't seem that bad unless you're directly affected by it.
(Just another idea I've had to explain this debacle)
I ask this because now here in China there's the conspiracy theory that it came from US's evil lab and was spread in Wuhan on purpose. I find it funny because a little more than a year ago there's also a conspiracy theory about a certain lab in China, with some papers related to similar viruses as "evidence".
Anyway people tend to forget, I just didn't realize our propaganda offices can always make us pick the answers which is most "anti-US", no matter how ridiculous it is.
The origin seems kind of immaterial to me at this point when, as of the last few days, 70% of the poison control center calls in Mississippi are due to people ingesting a drug found in livestock dewormer because it's been advocated as a way to treat COVID-19 in certain sections of the media, Facebook and YouTube when there is frickin' vaccine available for free.
Bwaah, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Sorry, couldn't hold it in... ?
Been scrolling social media posts about this. They're all so full of shit. Pretending this was never a talking point and basically just refusing to come up with any excuse whatsoever and defiantly saying "don't care, still not getting it". Seen a smattering of "deep state" and "big pharma" mentions.
They will present themselves as people who COULD be convinced if you just address "x, x, and x" but this isn't the case, and they know it. And I heard a pretty great explanation of why from someone I was listening to today. Their goal isn't to win an argument. It's to make sure the argument never stops.
Only if there's money to be made from it. It would appear that a lot of this anti-vax rhetoric stems from certain (modern equivalent to) snake-oil scammers out to make a quick buck from peddling their so-called medicines. Remember Trump's bleach fiasco? Turns out there is someone online who basically sells bleach as medicine. Sorry I've no links but this information was gleaned from a recent UK TV program that investigated this.
Why use bleach when you can just buy some Heartguard +? You get Ivermectin and Pyrantel, two anti-worm medications for the price of one! Hell, buy some dogfood while you're at it. I'm sure the government is lacing people food with all kinds of mind-control drugs and sex-changing hormones... ?
By comparison, here is Canada (where the percentage of all people fully vaccinated is about 14% higher).
There is some evidence Ivermectin can quell viral infections. The problem is the levels you would need to ingest to do so are toxic to humans. The doses people are taking on their own are basically placebos, like an asthma inhaler filled with nothing but water. Nevermind the "logic" involved in not wanting to take you doctor's advise, but are willing to self-administer a de-worming paste you found in the livestock aisle because of something you read on Facebook.
"Lookey here, Vern. This here stuff c'n cure Covid sure's my left ankle hurts when a cyclone's a'brewin. I know cuz my Aunt Joline's friend Katey just told my Cousin Lance about seein' it on Telegram yesterday. It's supposed to work even better'n Cohloydal Silver!"
BBC 2 : Conspiracy Files: Vaccine Wars
Channel 4 : Trump, The Doctor and the Vaccine Scandal: Dispatches