Bug or Oversight?

Is anyone else experiencing the tavern music in the Friendly Arm Inn playing back to back in the upper floors? It's supposed to switch to a more mellow and ambient guitar track. If i remember correctly there was even a change in soundtrack from nighttime to daytime. Guitar during night and more orchestral during the day, but the tavern music is only supposed to play at the tavern level.
The music you're claiming "should" be there sounds more like what's used outside.
Don't know when it was changed, but EE's have had them set to tavern music since at least v1.3.
If it was an intended change, it is odd that other taverns did not receive the same treatment.
AR0116 "Helm and Cloak". Upstairs AR0117 and AR0118. Music tav1 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR0165 "Tavern and Inn". Upstairs AR0166. Music tav3 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR0119 "Three Old Kegs". Upstairs AR0120 and AR0121. Music tav2 in the main area and second floor, none on the third floor. (2nd floor is kitchen and dining, 3rd floor is bedrooms)
AR0103 "Splurging Sturgeon". Upstairs AR0104. Music tav1 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR0114 "Blushing Mermaid". Upstairs bar and games AR0115. Music tav4 on both floors.
AR0720 "Drakon Tavern". Only one area. Music tav2.
AR0154 "Keexie Tavern". Upstairs bar and games AR0171. Music tav1 on both floors.
AR0705 "Elfsong Tavern". Upstairs AR0706. No music on either floor.
AR0807 "Tavern and Inn". Upstairs bar and games AR0808. Music tav4 on both floors.
AR1001 "Ulgoth's Beard Inn". Only one area. Music tday1 and tnite - outdoors music.
AR1109 "Tavern and Inn". Upstairs bar and games AR1110. Music tav1 on both floors.
AR1113 "Ye Olde Inn". Upstairs bedrooms AR1114. Music tav3 on both floors.
AR0133 "Low Lantern". Additional floors AR0134 food and drink, AR0135 beds, AR0136 storage. Music cday2 (daytime city music) on all floors.
AR1215 "Jopalin's Tavern". Only one area. Music tav2.
AR0105 "Blade and Stars". Upstairs AR0106 and AR0107. Music tav2 on first and second floors, none on third floor. (2nd floor is kitchen and dining, 3rd floor is bedrooms)
AR1306 "Inn and Tavern". Upstairs bedrooms AR1307. Music tav4 on both floors.
AR2301 "Friendly Arm Inn". Upstairs bedrooms AR2302 and AR2303. Music tav2 for all three floors of the inn.
AR2616 "Candlekeep Inn". Upstairs AR2617. Music tav2 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR2629 "Candlekeep Inn". Upstairs AR2630. Music tav3 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR3304 "The Jovial Juggler". Upstairs AR3305 and AR3306. Music tav4 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR3307 "The Burning Wizard". Upstairs AR3308. Music tav2 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR3351 "Feldepost's Inn". Upstairs AR3352. Music tav3 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR3357 "Red Sheaf Inn". Upstairs AR3303. Music tav2 in the main area, none upstairs.
AR4801 "Nashkel Inn". Only one area. Music tav4.
AR4809 "Belching Dragon Tavern". Only one area. Music tav1.
I'd say that having outside music upstairs in the original game was a mistake, but the EE applied the wrong correction. For consistency with other inn bedroom areas, the upstairs portion of the Friendly Arm should have no music.
A few other recommended corrections:
AR1001 Ulgoth's Beard Inn: should have tavern music.
AR1110 Ye Olde Inn second floor: should have no music.
AR1307 Inn and Tavern second floor: should have no music.
AR0133 through AR0136 Low Lantern should have something different; probably tavern music on the top two floors and none on the bottom two. Daytime outdoor city music at all hours is definitely wrong.
[Edit - missed one the first time]
Ok thanks.
Yeah there it says that it's the same in Friendly Armin for all floors but it's indeed an oversight by Beamdog. I just checked the original BG1 on Gog. During the day the upper floors is the same music as outside and during the night it actually changes to this:
It makes perfect sense because it's supposed to signal that you have retreated from the rowdiness and joviality downstairs.
Yeah and it had another tune during the night as well. To me it doesn't make sense to change something that clearly had a purpose so i think it's an oversight.
Well it works really well in the case of the Friendly Arm as i described. As was intended in the original game
So, then, my suggested correction for the upper floors of the Friendly Arm would have the same results as what you're thinking of. Setting that music to "None" would result in those outdoor tracks playing. Huh.
Note that any changes made to the area files won't apply retroactively to existing saves; saves contain a copy of all visited areas which would be based on the old version.
Are you aware if mob spawn mechanics has been altered or tampered with in the EE? I feel like there are a lot fewer enemies and that they seem to be in a fixed number that's not correlated to party level.
The number used for the scaling here is the sum of the levels of all characters in your party. A solo player, at the BGEE cap, will face less than a full party of level 2 characters.
There are also pre-placed enemies on many maps, which won't respawn and don't scale. The ankheg cave, for example, will always have exactly nine pre-placed ankhegs in it. The only way to get more is to lure some over from up top or to try to rest in there.
BG2EE, rather than spawning multiples of a single enemy, tends to have spawn groups which always result in the same number of enemies; where a BGEE spawn point might have the creature "ankheg", a BG2EE spawn point might have "rdgob" instead. And that's not a single monster, but instead unpacks to four axe goblins and two bow goblins. Since the total number of monsters that point can spawn is capped, you can't get multiples of that "rdgob" group and always face the same setup.
Finally, both games have some groups of monsters spawned by area scripts or "trap" scripts. Those follow whatever rules the scripts say, like ghasts popping out of that one red corridor in Durlag's Tower or a group of beholders showing up in the Temple District sewers in SoA chapter 6.
The balance between the various spawn mechanics also differs between the two games. BGEE makes far more use of spawn points than BG2EE, which instead is dominated by pre-placed enemies and script-based spawning.
I don't think any of this was actually changed for the EE. But then, I've never played the original games; I'm not speaking from experience here.
the spawning for bg2 vanilla is exactly the same as it is for the EEs
the spawning for bg1 vanilla has been changed quite a bit for the EE
first, in vanilla, it wasn't based on party size for how many enemies you encountered, just party level, in fact, that change didn't come in until perhaps patch 2.0 or so? im pretty sure if you are playing pre 2.0 it will use the more "vanilla" like "party size" for encounters
also, some spawns in vanilla BG were bugged a bit ( like the kobold commandos in the firewine ruines ) where in theory there could be infinite of them ( perhaps too many spawn points in one area? ) so the spawning of infinite enemies has be fixed
other than that, everything else is the same
ironically if you play a solo run in bg1ee, and have 5 dead team mates then you will actually get encounters as if you had 6 team mates, lol
(Standardize inn and tavern music)
The rule that previously applied to 80% of inn/tavern areas - tavern music where people eat, drink and play games, no music (which defaults to music from the "master area" where there are beds) - now applies to all of them.