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Wings v1.08



  • alaisFcZalaisFcZ Member Posts: 37
    Hello . I found this mod interesting and months ago I made this translation into Spanish
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    Thanks, I will upload the translation when I have time available. :smile:
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited September 2024
    I completed the "Wing Taker" quest with version 1.05 of the mod, and encountered the following issues:
    • Typo: "Althkata" should be "Athkatla" (in multiple places, including journal entries)

    • Typo: "they carry portal lens" should be "they carry portal lenses" (in Merchant Arben's dialog)

    • Trent fails to move to the Crooked Crane Inn - he stays where he first spawned (outdoors in the Temple District), even though a journal entry tells me to meet him in the Crooked Crane.

    • The Slaver Lieutenant in the Five Flagons Inn does not have backup when force-attacked.
      When I turn him hostile via dialog, his underlings emerge from the shadows and fight on his side. But if I simply force-attack him, he fights on his own and the underlings never appear.

    • Lord Praxis fails to drop the Rod of Silver.
      I did not get the Rod of Silver [X3WROD.ITM] from Merchant Arben, because I took the "good" path with him.
      But I did get the Catalyst Gem [X3WGEM.ITM] from the crypt.

      Then when facing Lord Praxis in the Slaver Stockade, this is what happens:
      • If I agree to give him the Catalyst Gem, he fuses it with the Rod of Silver to form the Rod of Paralysis [X3WART.ITM]. Logically, this means he must have had the Rod of Silver on him. When he dies, I can then loot the completed Rod of Paralysis off his body.
      • However, if I refuse to give the gem to Lord Praxis, then after the battle the Rod of Silver is nowhere to be found.
        Other than for consistency with the previous case, there are two more clues that Lord Praxis should drop the rod:
        1) The area script [AR0405.BCS] has a code block for fusing the rod and gem in the party's inventory if they are picked up here.
        2) Talking to Trent after the battle, he tells me not to leave the rod behind here, as if I merely failed to pick it up from the ground.

    It's a nice mod though, it gives Aerie some good character development in line with her personality and romance/friendship.
    Good job.
    Post edited by ineth on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    I'll look at these, especially the Trent one.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited September 2024
    I published a walkthrough on the wiki, that anyone may edit:

    Wings walkthrough
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    Thanks for the Walkthrough! I've also taken your notes and added the Spanish version into V1.07's fixes. Strongly hoping this is the last time I'll have to adjust Trent's spawn issue.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited October 2024
    Out of curiosity, I had a look at the version history of Trent's dialog file (X3WTrent.d) on GitHub.

    If I understand the logic correctly, the bug is still there, and you've been trying multiple times to apply a fix in the wrong place... :)

    In different versions of the file, you switched between different ways to code the "Trent moves to the Crooked Crane" actions (which are probably all equally valid ways to code them), such as in the following dialog state:
    CHAIN X3WTrent T.MeetCrooked 
    DO ~PlaySound("ACT_07")AddJournalEntry(@10004,QUEST)EscapeArea()~

    Whereas the actual problem is (I think) with the logic that decides whether the dialog even reaches one of those states, namely this logic:
    IF ~AreaCheck("AR0400")~ EXTERN X3WTrent T.MeetCrooked 
    IF ~!AreaCheck("AR0400")~ EXTERN X3WTrent T.MeetHere
    ...and this:
    IF ~AreaCheck("AR0400")~ EXTERN X3WTrent T.Crooked 
    IF ~!AreaCheck("AR0400")~ EXTERN X3WTrent T.Stay
    Trent can initially spawn in any one of eight different Athkatla outdoor maps (via AERIE.BCS), but the above conditions only check whether he's in the Slums District (AR0400).

    I think those conditions should be inverted - so instead of checking "Is he still in the Slums?", it should be "Is he not already in the Crooked Crane?". Then it would cover all his possible initial spawn points.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    I'll try the inversion tip on my next update of this. I thought he was leaving but re-appearing in the original area.

    He might still linger, but v1.07 has code in the Crooked Crane's Area script that handles his spawning separately, so at least players can find him where he said he was going to be.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    V1.08 Includes this fix and a typo a user submitted for the chinese version.

    I think originally I had Trent only spawning in the slums and never thought to update the logic for it, thanks for the assist!
  • BrockBrock Member Posts: 14
    In what order do I have to install this mod, I'm using the PI program. Is this a quest mod or NPC mod?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    This would be considered a quest mod, as it does not add any new joinable NPCs.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 199
    "A friendship path for Aerie. PC's not eligible to romance her may still pursue a friendship, learning all sorts about her past. PC's who are eligible to romance her will receive three new banters before the usual romance starts, but if they end the romance at any time will still have the option of pursuing a friendship instead."

    I would like to confirm more on this. I ended her romance possibility (variable is 3 now) after having 2 dialogues with her, mainly because Haer Dalis joined the party and started their romance path. But it has been some time, like I saw a bunch of friendship dialogues from the other npc, but still haven't triggered any friendship talk with Aerie after Haer Dalis joined. I wonder her friendship path has any other requirement, or I have to wait longer, or something wrong in my game now.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 280
    edited November 2024
    I just played through the first part of the mod and storywise it was pretty great. I'd even consider extending it with the slaver-theme, e. g. an even larger organization that occasionally abducts people or buys slaves, to then be found in a new area outside of Amn (but still semi-close to the main city). Not saying anyone has to invest time to extend the mod, mind you - just saying there could be even more slavers (I understand the storyline continues e. g. in or past chapter 6; I am referring mostly to the content before chapter 6).
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,087
    If I had area making talent (and the process wasn't buggy) I would consider it.
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