CEP 2.67 and the way forward

CEP 2.67 and minor hotfixes are now available at the Vault and on Steam.
All credit for 2.67 goes to Pstemarie.
Now we have a new team.
CEP builders are invited to take part in a short poll and discussion to help us to plan future releases.
Please respond on Neverwinter Vault using the links above, to keep the discussion in one place.
All credit for 2.67 goes to Pstemarie.
Now we have a new team.
CEP builders are invited to take part in a short poll and discussion to help us to plan future releases.
Please respond on Neverwinter Vault using the links above, to keep the discussion in one place.
CEP 2 is the way BACKWARD.
When I first took over CEP 2, I incorrectly thought CEP 2 was the way forward as well, as the full scope of what Winternite had planned for CEP 3 was not widely understood and obfuscated by misunderstanding, innuendo, and falsehoods. Because of my ignorance, I had deep reservations about CEP 3, made wise cracks about it, and was a general arse to the poor guy running it. I also fell into the trap of believing all the nonsense I was fed about CEP 3 by people with an agenda.
"The new team took over when Pstemarie stood down." That's an interesting take on things. I want it to be clear I was BADGERED into stepping down. But that's irrelevant to the misinformation being spread with this post on the Vault.
That said, let me address the misinformation.
1. No support for legacy modules using CEP 2.
Players will already have CEP 2.x (whatever version they need) downloaded for their modules - ALL previous versions of CEP (both CEP 1 and CEP 2) I could find are compiled on the CEP page on the Vault. Current builders should be using CEP 3 which support ALL EE features and is not a regression to an older, unsupported version of the game.
3. No support from CEP 3 for modules in progress.
This is hogwash. Modules using CEP can easily be updated to CEP 3 from CEP 2. ALL of the content in CEP 2 is in CEP 3, no content has been removed.
3a. Not clear that the new content is worth the rebuild and test effort
This should be left to Builders to decide. With this mentality, no one would ever use or add new content. Furthermore, the same could be said about a non-CEP module upgrading to CEP 2.
3b. Uncertain which CEP2 features have been taken out of CEP3
See under #1 above. You can also read the CEP 3 Project page on the Vault - its pretty clear there what's included. And no, I don't consider scripts and templates which are already in a CEP 2 module to be "removed content.
3c. No input to CEP3 project direction
The CEP 3 project has a clear direction and welcomes input, BUT in order to know that you'd have to get on Discord and actually speak with the person doing the project. However, you've expressed many times you have no use for Discord.
3d. Not clear whether CEP3 will be supported or developed in future
More misinformation, but you wouldn't know that because...Discord.
This bit from the OP "Please respond on Neverwinter Vault using the links above, to keep the discussion in one place." This is solely about control and has little else to do with organization. On the Vault, where you are a Moderator, you can treat dissenters like trash, bar them from commenting, and take more excessive actions if YOU deem them warranted.
Finally, this..."CEP builders are invited to take part in a short poll and discussion to help us to plan future releases." should raise red flags for others. Why only CEP Builders, don't others who may not yet be using CEP have a say? Don't their opinions and concerns matter? Evidently not.
This is all I'll say on the CEP 2 vs. CEP 3 rubbish, as I have no desire to EVER again engage with anything on the Vault forums. Consider this a public service announcement that CEP 3 exists, is supported, and is being developed.
To the Moderators here, sorry if this sounds combative, but I'm just calling it like I see it.