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Henchmen module for HotU - Management of class levels

kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
Just in search for a simple module, one that allow the player to respec the class levels, skills and feats of his henchmens in Horde of the Underdark (or even in other modules too, if the henchmen management of them allows it).

Deekin is a full bard lvl 14 at the begin of HotU
Nathyrra is a mess with wizard 9/Rogue 3/Assassin 6
Valen is ok, but i could use another weapon of choice other than heavy flail (NWN:EE unfortunally don't have monkey grip)

Something that allows me in the first banter with the future henchmen to set their classes (easy part i think), skill and feats (a bit harder) through dialogue options.

Does a mod like this exist?


  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I don't think this exists as a downloadable mod, let me know if i'm wrong, sounds useful. However, it is possible, and not all that difficult. The NWN Toolset is one of the easiest to use for any video game. You can open it right up and change their class levels entirely. Probably need to do this to a few "versions" of the character. However, this would cause bugs with the dialogue options about changing leveling paths, but you can edit those out too.
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