Multiple Kits mod/how to create mutlti-kitted characters

in IWD:EE Mods
So after another decade I decided that playing Icewind Dale:Enchanced Edition would be fun. But I suddenly got the craving to just mod the F out of it and remembered there was a mod that allowed you to basically add any kits to the characters that you had no matter how multiclassed they were. I want to find it or find a way to do this with enchanced edition Shadowkeeper. Thank you! Please help me!
The old BG2 mod Level One NPCs allowed adding any kit to any BG2 NPC (not the protagonist though), but it was never made compatible with IWD or the Enhanced Editions.
Another old mod that is compatible with the Enhanced Editions (including IWD:EE), is: Multiclassed Multikit Builder.
It allows you to apply a kit, or even combination of multiple kits, to multi-class characters in-game.
But the process is a bit cumbersome (you have to specify the exact classes/kits combinations you want to generate at install time, and then apply them in-game using the "character AI" functionality. Be sure to read the README.
Also, I've run into some bugs (like when I generated multiple multiclass kits based on the "Kensai" kit, only the first one worked). So if you do use this, don't generate more kits than you'll actually use, to minimize the chance of bugs.
A newer, Enhanced Edition only, mod is Abel's Multikits Mod. It is safe and easy to use, and conveniently adds the kits directly to the kit selection screen for character generation, but is much more limited than the other solutions in that it only provides a few specific kits to specific multiclasses, chosen by the mod author. But if your kit choice happens to be provided by this mod, then this is probably the best solution.
To add a kit "by hand" using EE Keeper, you can:
- Open an IWD:EE savegame in EE KEeper.
- Select the kit you want on the "Characteristics" tab.
- Set all three character levels to 0 on the "Abilities" tab.
- Save, load that edited savegame in IWD:EE, and level up again to whatever your level was.
You will now have the properties from the kit, but unfortunately, your Hit Points and Thieving Skills (and possibly more) will be all wrong because the ones from this level-up just stacked on top of what you already had. So afterwards you'll have to use EE Keeper again, to manually edit those stats to what they should be.