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Is there any way to restore a fallen Paladin/Ranger?

I saw a discussion posed in 2012 but can't seem to figure out how it works or where to get Near Infinity (?) please help!


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    In the game, fallen paladins get one shot at redemption during their stronghold quest line. There's a specific script action for it; RegainPaladinhood(). If you know your way around the grammar, you can likely apply it with the in-game debug/cheat console. RegainRangerhood() is the action for rangers.

    As for Near Infinity, there's a thread for it pinned at the top of the modding forum. That would allow you to edit a save to restore a character's status, though the details might be tricky. Finding a way to apply the actions I mentioned above is probably the best option.
  • gator3rdgator3rd Member Posts: 5
    can you resend the link? the one thread I found, the link isn't working. thanks!
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Since I'm not responsible for either the thread or what it links, I'm the wrong person to ask. I don't even know if you're thinking of the same thing I am.

    Also, some additional information on those script actions I mentioned, based on some testing I did:
    - If your reputation is 10 or more, they work how you would think.
    - If your reputation is less than 10, RestorePaladinhood() raises reputation to 10 but does not restore paladin status.
    - If your reputation is less than 10, RestoreRangerhood() raises reputation to 10 and restores ranger status.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Just in case, I wrote a small cheat mod that helps with this:
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