Something wrong with Edwin Script I believe

I just had Edwin join me during the last part of the Renal quest. However, after leaving the thieves guild area and into the docks, Edwin is constantly stopping. His avatar is always at the battle ready, so I assume that a script or something is trying to kick off, but I don't know which one is or how to find it.
He's not stuttering, its just every few steps he stops, which makes it nearly unplayable. Is there a way to reset his dialogue scripts using Near Infinity or EE Keeper? I've also tried turning party AI off, changing the combat script (from advanced AI to other ones, etc) I've also tried kicking him out and re-adding him to the party with no luck.
I do have a heavily modded game using Big World Setup
He's not stuttering, its just every few steps he stops, which makes it nearly unplayable. Is there a way to reset his dialogue scripts using Near Infinity or EE Keeper? I've also tried turning party AI off, changing the combat script (from advanced AI to other ones, etc) I've also tried kicking him out and re-adding him to the party with no luck.
I do have a heavily modded game using Big World Setup
This doesn't allow him to have any dialogue, plus every few steps you can see that quick glitch on his portrait of what looks like an attack.
Not sure if you saw my last post, but I stated I found the item in the magic weapon slot and I removed it with EE keeper. Didn't help
Something like this (maybe using Project Infinity) is probably a better bet: