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Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 - Switch Patch 1.0.4 - What was Updated?

TechnatoriumTechnatorium Member Posts: 3
Just was doing my periodic update run on my Switch and found that BG 1 and 2 just updated to 1.0.4. There is also a 1.0.4 for Planescape Torment and Icewind Dale. As far as I recall the last patch 1.0.3 was like 2+ years ago in 2019.

My question is what if anything was updated?


  • TechnatoriumTechnatorium Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2022
    I did find out that the Planescape Torment patch might have something to do with a merchant bug and text corruption according to this post on reddit.
    Hello! Can anyone with PST:EE on Switch try again and tell us if they still have the text corruption and the merchants bug? We released a patch this week and would want to hear some feedback.

    Still havent found anything on BG EE on switch though.
  • TechnatoriumTechnatorium Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2022
    After some serious digging I did find that Beamdog was made aware of a crash during save import for BG1 and 2 back in April of last year.
    We're investigating it. Seems like there was a software update on the Switch on April 19, the first report about the issue came on April 20. Thanks for the heads-up!
    Not sure if this is related to the Switch patch.
    Post edited by Technatorium on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Hi there! You're correct, an update to BG 1&2 on the Switch is related to that import save crash. In 2021, Nintendo rolled back their patch and thus the crash stopped happening. Now we've patched the game so that if Nintendo releases that patch again, the crash will no longer happen.

    And you're correct about the PST:EE Switch patch.
  • GloriousCheeseGloriousCheese Member Posts: 14
    Any plans to update BGEE and BG2EE to v2.6.6 on Switch?
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