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BG2 V2.6.6 Save issue

I was well into Chapter 8. But every time I restarted the game I would go back to the fight scene in Chapter 7. I don't know why. I had no saves of that left in my save folder. My chapter 8 saves show up after I finish the fight scene in chapter 7 and go through all the cut scenes... blah blah blah. Did that about 15 times and was getting tired of that. I started deleting old save files one at a time. I had one left lower than chapter 8 (the chapter 3 start) Which I haven't been on in months. With only that file it would still start at the end of chapter 7. So I deleted the save for Chapter 3. Now, the game will not start at all.

How do I get the game to recognize one of the saves in Chapter 8?

I see similar issues in threads back in 2013, but the versions and OS is much older. Is there a way to fix this?


  • gixymonkeygixymonkey Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2022
    Solved my own problem.
    If you get stuck here is how to fix it.

    1 Search for the game file. Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition (was mine)
    2 Copy this somewhere safe in case of screw up
    3 Open save folder, look at time stamp for the file you last used and want to begin from and copy the folder name
    4 Open the file Baldur.lua in the file (I used text edit)
    5 Scroll down until you see the line: SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Last Save TOB','000000001-Auto-Save-TOB')
    ****** likely your file will be named different than 000000001-Auto-Save-TOB but this is the section you want to paste over
    6 Copy the folder name from step 3 (mine became 000000003-Auto-Save-TOB (don't accidentally delete the ' marks)
    7 Save Baldur.lua
    8 Start game up and it works.

    Took me 5 minutes once I found the .lua file.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Good to know, thanks!
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