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I have some problems with my version of Baldurs Gate. It interrumpts itself very often.

unicorn_blancunicorn_blanc Member Posts: 4

I'm a recent usuary of Beamdog and I have a problem with my version of Baldurs Gate. I will try to explain. I've bought an unity (excuse me for my bad english) of your game Baldurs Gate, and I've the problem that this game in my case interrupt itself (it's not a joke) and so I can't play with it. Sincerely: the game, in my case, close it to itselves in a little time.

¿Could you help me to solve this problem?

In all case, good luck with your web and your games. See you!!

Unicorn Blanc.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    What platform do you play at? What is your system?

    When does it crush / close usually?
  • unicorn_blancunicorn_blanc Member Posts: 4
    Hello JuliusBorisov. Excuse me for my bad english.

    I'll say it to you immediately.

    I use a normal pentium, you understand, a computer of "sobretaula" ("on the table"). Windows 10. A normal computer in a lot of aspects, if not in all of them.

    The program Baldurs Gate fails to me since the beginning, interrupting in some occasions and, some interruptions later, the program closes inesperately.

    I wait I have answered well your questions; if I have not answered well, please ask me whatever you need.

    Without jokes: have a nice day.

    See you!!

    Unicorn Blanc, usuary of Beamdog.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Awesome! Would you be able to provide a screenshot of the error message the game gives you?

    In the meantime, here are troubleshooting tips for you:

    I suspect you need to reinstall OpenAL as explained in those tips.
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