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Early access feedback

GorgogGorgog Member Posts: 2
edited April 2022 in MythForce
I have enjoyed playing Mythforce for a couple of hours but that is all I want to play right now. I am a solo player and have to say this game really is not solo friendly, something it is sold as on Epic.

I can usually get to the second floor with full health, though it is quite tricky and I think less experienced players may find it near to impossible, but on the second floor I was two shot by a single archer in a room with multiple coloured aura mobs.

I really feel the difficulty should be scaled back, I realise I'm only playing level 1-3 characters but I see little on the talent tree or ability improvements that would equip me to tackle the second floor.

One thing that I was surprised at is you don't even get a full heal on the start of the second floor. As it stands that would do nothing to help me but I think it would be a start.

As I say I have had some fun but I think the game will have a poor future if it isn't made easier or at least have a difficulty setting with an easier option. I am not new to gaming, usually playing on the hardest difficulty on other such games for decades.

All the best to the devs for the future of the game and thanks for making it.

Edit: Just so my feedback isn't just negative I think it would be nice to have a perk that allows the player to select one item they got from a previous run to take on their next run, this would give the player a little bit more of a feeling of progression.
Post edited by Gorgog on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,761
    Thanks for your feedback!
  • GorgogGorgog Member Posts: 2
    Just playing a bit more I managed to get to the horde room on the second level, even found a gold weapon. I have to say it is fun when you try a little harder and learn a few tricks. Still way too difficult though imho.
  • TalornTalorn Member Posts: 1
    Hi guys, awesome game! I played several runs with 4 players and had some balance feedback. The paladin feels super weak without getting that iron heart perk. I had a few games where I never got the stat buff heart card and and so I was going into boss fights with 120 health. The wizard is just awesome and overpowered and barely needs access to the iron heart cards. We failed a few runs until we realized how powerful the wizard was. 4 wizards was easy mode. All her powers are good, but none of the paladin’s felt powerful at all. If she had the wizard’s bubble, a group heal, or a rez in a radius as her ultimate, that would make her useful. As it is, just putting your shield up seems to drain all your stamina so you can’t even tank very well. Putting your shield up should protect everyone in a radius if it is going to drain stamina. I switched to the 2 handed sword because the shield was just too weak. I was surprised that her ultimate did not heal the whole group. I think all 4 classes have a similar ultimate that heals only themselves over time.

    The ranger felt good and saved us by himself on a few boss fights. We tried playing all 4 different characters over several runs because we thought the group dynamics would be the way to go. But in terms of power, it seems wizard is strongest followed by ranger, then rogue, then paladin. You might have a dedicated healer in the works but if not, some kind of heal for her, or a group buff, or resistance auras would help make the paladin feel more integral. The wizard can shield herself, pop a sentry, and get the burn perk so one hit and you teleport out while the enemy burns up is pretty overpowered.

    You guys probably have a dedicated QA guys that is awesome with the paladin and so you’ll think I’m nuts, but that’s my experience after about 8 runs or so.

    It feels like Gauntlet in first person mode, which is fun and you really got the look and feel down. Hearing the Mythforce song come in during the boss fight was a great touch! It really feels like a Saturday morning cartoon.

    Can’t wait to see what’s next! My group really likes it so we’re looking forward to running it again.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,761
    Thanks @Talorn for your feedback! Definitely would be passing to the team.
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2023
    I really want to try this because its looking like such an underdog (although art is amazing) but really, finding time is crazy! how do people do it?
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