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Can a male half orc romance Viconia in a standard BG2EE install?

I’ve read conflicting reports over on Reddit and it piqued my curiosity, so why not ask the experts!


  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 632
    Yes, of the vanilla characters Viconia is the only romance option for a half-orc male
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,872
    edited April 2022
    Yes. I'm currently romancing both Viconia and Anomen in my "Dorn It" run.

    Admittedly, the latter is based on some trickery - I started the campaign with a female halfling protagonist before Dorn killed her and took over, and that set the "match" variable for Anomen irrevocably.

    The romance requirements:
    Anomen - female human, half-elf, elf, or halfling
    Aerie - male human, half-elf, elf, halfling, or gnome
    Jaheira - male human, half-elf, or halfling
    Viconia - male human, half-elf, halfling, or half-orc

    The Beamdog NPCs are considerably looser about it, though unlike the Bioware NPCs their gender checks are only done when the relevant NPC is in the party.
    Hexxat - any female
    Neera - any male
    Rasaad - any female
    Dorn - anything that moves. If you're playing a doppelganger with gender "NIETHER", he'll still go for you.
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,700
    Aerie - female human, half-elf, elf, halfling, or gnome
    Jaheira - female human, half-elf, or halfling
    Viconia - female human, half-elf, halfling, or half-orc
    That would be "male PC" for these three imho.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,872
    Right, fixed. And it goes without saying that the protagonist (player 1) is the one that all of these race and gender checks apply to.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 5,975
    jmerry wrote: »
    Dorn - anything that moves. If you're playing a doppelganger with gender "NIETHER", he'll still go for you.

    so theoretically beholders are in to? Gotta give props to Dorn on not being so choosey hahaha

  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,040
    Flying eyeballs, oozes, humanoids, he is not one to be picky, with either loving or killing!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 5,975
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    jmerry wrote: »
    Yes. I'm currently romancing both Viconia and Anomen in my "Dorn It" run.

    Admittedly, the latter is based on some trickery - I started the campaign with a female halfling protagonist before Dorn killed her and took over, and that set the "match" variable for Anomen irrevocably.

    The romance requirements:
    Anomen - female human, half-elf, elf, or halfling
    Aerie - male human, half-elf, elf, halfling, or gnome
    Jaheira - male human, half-elf, or halfling
    Viconia - male human, half-elf, halfling, or half-orc

    The Beamdog NPCs are considerably looser about it, though unlike the Bioware NPCs their gender checks are only done when the relevant NPC is in the party.
    Hexxat - any female
    Neera - any male
    Rasaad - any female
    Dorn - anything that moves. If you're playing a doppelganger with gender "NIETHER", he'll still go for you.

    Worth noting that Rasaad won't romance just any woman. She has to have the good alignment too. He is, as far as I know, the only romanceable character with an alignment limitation.

    Siege of Dragonspear also has Glint, who will only romance men, Safana, who will only romance men (despite being quite flirtatious with women in her original BG1 dialogue), Corwin, who will romance characters of either gender (I don't know if she's ever been tested against non-standard genders), and Voghiln, who I think only romances women.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,872
    Rasaad cares about the protagonist's alignment in BGEE. He doesn't in BG2EE. My post was only referring to the BG2EE romances.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Oh interesting! I didn't know he became more relaxed in his standards in BG2.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    And yeah, in retrospect I can see how this post is very specifically about BG2, and I kind of got off track there with the SoD stuff.

    The Rasaad thing is new to me though.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,580

    Half-orcs really get the shaft when it comes to romance availability - not only for vanilla NPCs, but also many modded ones as well.
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