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*** READ BEFORE POSTING: Master technical FAQ ***

ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
edited December 2012 in Windows PC (Archive)
This is a compiled list of known issues and their best known solutions. None of this is guaranteed to work for you, but if it’s here, it’s because it has worked for at least some people. This list represents the best of our current knowledge and will improve as time passes and patches are released. If you have any new solutions to propose, please simply reply to this topic.

Don't use this thread to post new issues. Create your own thread instead.

Before we begin, here are some general steps that can fix a wide variety of issues:
- Make sure your drivers are up-to-date, especially those for your graphics card [Intel, NVIDIA, AMD].
- If you are running the game full-screen, try running it windowed and vice-versa (hit Alt+Enter).
- If you’ve installed the game using the stand-alone installer, try uninstalling it and reinstalling using the Beamdog client.

If you can't find any solution in this thread, please create a new thread on these forums including your full PC specs and as much detail as possible.

Update: if your game crashes it will now generate a dump file. This file contains the state of the game when it crashed; this is invaluable information to the developers, it will help them track the problem quickly. Please zip this file and send it to It will be located in "[user]/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/crash". Read this for more details.

A. General

Where is the settings (.ini) file?

Baldur.ini is at [User]/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition. This file is best viewed in Wordpad, Notepad++ and all good text editors (NOT Notepad).

Where is the executable?

Baldur.exe is at [Path to your BeamDog folder]/BeamDog/Games/00766.

The game fails to launch with the error: "This program can't start because OpenAL32.dll is missing from your computer."

If you’ve installed through the standalone installer, try installing through the Beamdog client.
If that doesn’t work, uninstall OpenAL and reinstall the game through the Beamdog client.
If that still doesn't work, download and install OpenAL from Creative's website.

The game doesn’t start or crashes on startup.

Solution #1: Read Trent Oster's recent post about this.
Solution #2: Install OpenAL.
Solution #3: Set this in your Baldur.ini under "Program options":
'Graphics', 'OpenGL Version', '1',
Solution #4: Make sure the game is actually running on the GPU by following these instructions (source).
Solution #5: Navigate to your Baldur.exe executable (../Beamdog/00766/Baldur.exe). Right-click this file and select "Run with graphics processor" (if available), and try the different options there, for some the GPU works, for some it's the integrated graphics.
Solution #6: Uninstall the game. Download the Beamdog client, go to Settings -> Configure, and change the location to a short path with only ASCII characters, for example “C:\Games”. Click apply, and install the game through the Beamdog client.
Solution #7: Running iTunes lets some people launch the game, as random as that may sound.
Solution #8: Find your Baldur.exe, right-click, select properties and go to Compatibility. Try the various modes there. Some people have reported success with Windows XP SP2 and Vista SP1 modes, notably.

B. Graphics and performance

The cursor disappears when I pick up items in the inventory.

Solution #1: Go to Options -> Graphics and uncheck "Hardware Mouse Cursor".
Solution #2: Switch to windowed mode by pressing Alt+Enter.

The game is clipped, i.e. part of it is off-screen.

Solution #1: Right-click Baldur.exe, select Properties, then Compatibility, and check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings."
Solution #2: Set your font scaling to 125% or 100%. Instructions for Windows 7 here.
Solution #3: Try playing the game windowed instead (hit Alt+Enter).

The fonts are extremely blurry.

Disable FXAA in your video card options. AMD users that experience the same problem might have a similar option in their video card options (MLAA?).

There is constant full-screen flickering, or parts of previous screen show on a new one (it doesn’t clear properly)

Disable triple buffering in your video card options.

Text overlays (tooltips) are flickering.

Disable adaptative VSync in your video card options.

I’m on a laptop with an NVIDIA video card, and I’m only seeing white boxes on black background, OR the game is very slow, OR I’m seeing all kinds of graphical corruption.

Make sure the game is running on the GPU by following the instructions here.

I’m on a laptop with an integrated Intel chipset such as 945, 965, GM45, etc., and the game is very slow.

This is a known issue with Intel chipsets and OpenGL that affects other games as well (i.e. Minecraft). Beamdog is investigating adding a DirectX rendering path.
Solution #1: Make sure your drivers are up-to-date (see Intel link above), set Baldur.exe to Windows 95 compatibility mode and disable desktop composition (these options are found by right-clicking Baldur.exe and going to Properties -> Compatibility). This made the game playable on my GM45 laptop and worked for others as well.
Solution #2: @Nathan has listed a few potential workarounds here.
Solution #3: here's another collection of workarounds here.

I’m on a laptop with a discrete graphics card and the game is slow and none of what you suggested worked.

It is possible your video card is not detecting BG:EE as a game and is running in economic mode. If your laptop has different power modes (i.e. “Battery Saving”, “Power Saver”, “Balanced”, “High Performance”, “Entertainment”, etc), try setting it to the highest one.

I only see the game through flickering black and white boxes

Some users have reported this behavior being caused by MSI Afterburner. Disable it if is running. Other game overlays or screen recorders might cause similar issues.

Where are the graphical options? / I cannot change the resolution.

This is by design. BG:EE runs at your desktop resolution. Note that unlike in BG1 and BG2, resolution has no effect on the relative size of elements on the screen, as BG:EE auto-scales the GUI and provides a zoom feature.
To manually set the size of the window in windowed mode, open your Baldur.ini file and edit the following lines under program options:
'Graphics', 'Width', '1280', 
'Graphics', 'Height', '720'

C. Sound

There is no sound.

Make sure your speakers are actually working of course. If you installed through the standalone installer, try reinstalling through the Beamdog client, as it seems the standalone installer currently may fail to install OpenAL. Installing OpenAL manually may solve this issue as well.
User @DerDuke has listed a few solutions here as well.

There is sound, but it has serious issues - cut-offs, static, etc.

This seems to be an issue with Creative X-Fi sound cards.
Solution #1: Switch to a different audio device if you have one.
Solution #2: @DreadPirate_Duo has posted a potential solution here. Please reply to his thread if it worked for you!

My game is in a non-english language, but only english voices are playing.

This is a known issue with the game. This should be fixed in a later patch.

D. Gameplay

The game freezes or crashes when I place a note on the map.

This is supposed to be fixed as of December 1st, 2012. If anyone still encounters this exact problem please report here.

How do I import custom portraits?

Create a folder called "Portraits" in [user]/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.
The image files must respect a certain format, which is detailed here.

In multiplayer, the game pauses when we rest and we cannot unpause afterwards.

This is partly fixed, but there are still some issues; please refer to this post for information on how to workaround it.
Post edited by Zeckul on


  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Everything but my problem :( doh
  • killykilly Member Posts: 18 this fixed everything for me
  • MikealphaMikealpha Member Posts: 4
    >> Solution #3: Make sure the game is actually running on the GPU

    NO ! That way it does NOT run in my case, game does not even start. I have to select the INTEL 4000 graphics, then the game runs as follows :

    1. Reboot.
    2. Start game with the Window, Full Screen, '0' setting in baldur.ini.
    3. In the game, change to Full Screen.
    4. Game runs, but crashes on exit, also if I reset to Windowed Mode. And won't start again until I reboot .

    Specs : Alienware M17R4, NVidia GTX680M, W7-64. Latest drivers, Visual C++ 2008/2010, Open Al, all installed as required.
  • MoiraMoira Member Posts: 173
    Regarding The game fails to launch with the error: "This program can't start because OpenAL32.dll is missing from your computer.:

    - It's not enough if OpenAL32.dll is in the System32 folder. For OpenAL to work the .dll needs to be in SysWOW64 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64). For some people this has been the problem.

    Regarding I’m on a laptop with an integrated Intel chipset such as 945, 965, GM45, etc., and the game is very slow.:

    - It's worth a try to test other compatibility modes as well, there have been reports that others than Win95 have brought results to some.
    - I myself also selected "Disable visual themes" while I was at it.
    - Somebody apparently got results only by using just 256 colors as well.
    * So, fiddle around with these settings and see what works for you!
  • DonnhartDonnhart Member Posts: 4
    Zeckul said:


    B. Graphics and performance

    The cursor disappears when I pick up items in the inventory.

    Switch to windowed mode by pressing Alt+Enter.

    It works, does this mean i can run the game in windowed mode only?

  • RephyrRephyr Member Posts: 19
    The cursor disappears when I pick up items in the inventory.
    Switch to windowed mode by pressing Alt+Enter.

    Really hoping you guys are working on a fix for this and that's not your final solution...
  • ekklesiakekklesiak Member Posts: 2
    the only thing wrong right now on my comp is that the intro movie is glitching, working, but very slow... any ideas peeps? also movement in game seems a little slow but maybe that's just cuz i was using a halfling? other characters seemed to be doing alright.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited December 2012
    @Zeckul - I recommend adding a solution for "The game doesn’t start or crashes on startup". If trying to run the game in Windows 7, and it won't open at all, right click the executable and attempt running under different compatibility modes. I had to run mine in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (not 3) mode to get it to run each time, but now it works like a dream.
  • bg_secret_loverbg_secret_lover Member Posts: 8
    Also, check this out to improve the performance.
  • AntonChiggerAntonChigger Member Posts: 4

    @Zeckul - I recommend adding a solution for "The game doesn’t start or crashes on startup". If trying to run the game in Windows 7, and it won't open at all, right click the executable and attempt running under different compatibility modes. I had to run mine in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (not 3) mode to get it to run each time, but now it works like a dream.

    I did this with my Intel integrated graphics, and it worked for me! I also ran it as administrator, for what its worth.
  • DantesDantes Member Posts: 15
    How about adding a section for "Black Background"
    when all works fine aside from the fact that the MAIN SCREEN is all black. So you can access everything (invetory, map, spellbooks, etc...), even make everything move and interact blindly, but you just don't see the game itself...
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    @Dantes and what do you want me to put there as a solution ? ;)
  • CaptDanCaptDan Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2012
    No option to delete this???
    Post edited by CaptDan on
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    When we get a crash report where do we send it and what else do they require?
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @JoeWalker - Open up your saved game directory and look for a folder named "crash." Inside it, you will find a .dmp file that contains your crash report. Please, compress it to a .zip file and attach it to an email to It will greatly assist the devs in tracking the problem and fixing it. Thanks.
  • SupernomeSupernome Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2012
    Zeckul said:

    C. Sound

    My game is in a non-english language, but only english voices are playing.

    This is a known issue with the game. This should be fixed in a later patch.

    Please, I would like to know what is being done with the problem of the voices. Will we be able to hear the English voices selecting another language (Spanish)?. Right now I only hear the main character voice. Will we have translated voices? I find it almost impossible to play a mute game

    **I had to put this question again because he had suddenly disappeared...**
  • Sar_YehudahSar_Yehudah Member Posts: 135
    Where is a fix for not being able to change it to 60 fps?
  • Sar_YehudahSar_Yehudah Member Posts: 135
    Does a fix exist or is it going to be addressed in a patch? I think there isn't one as of yet.
  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    @Sar_Yehudah we'll have a fix "soon" - surprising number of requests for this, but, yes it will be addressed.
  • Is there a planned patch for the issue in regards to the game not launching? I've tried all the fixes I've found, but to no avail.

    I appreciate all the work you guys are putting into this; and at least I can study for finals now, rather than use all my time to play!

    Keep up the awesome work!
  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64

    Where is a fix for not being able to change it to 60 fps?

    that would mean to play the game at double speed which makes no sense.
    also, there is no need to run at 60 fps to this game, whatsoever
    and I would think it has implications on the multiplayer as well, since gameplay
    speed is tied to fps
  • inicjatorinicjator Member Posts: 63
    Why did you released BGee with so many problems?
    I'm afraid to think how BG2ee will look if BGee is so bad :(
  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    Zeckul said:

    In multiplayer, the game pauses when we rest and we cannot unpause afterwards.

    This is being investigated. In the meantime, try the following workaround:

    Copy the rest.wbm (at location X:\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\movies) twice and rename those copies to:
    - restinn.wbm
    - restdung.wbm

    Meanwhile there was another video confirmed to cause this unpausing problem - even without resting. I already updated the first post of the discussion you linked here - but maybe you also want to add the "daynite.wbm" to this list (this was the confirmed one). And maybe the "niteday.wbm" which caused no error up to now, but I love symmetry :D )

  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
    When I paused the game pushing Space Key and used a spell from one character, and cancel it by clicking weapon icon, i.e., I finally decided to attack using melee weapon instead of spell casting.

    The spell icon, which showed on character icon located at right side, was flickering, and didn't change to weapon icon immediately.

    I tried to remove the flickering problem by the ways what you mentioned, but I couldn't. Does anybody suffer from same problem with me?
  • GomerZimpsonGomerZimpson Member Posts: 5
    "framerate = 60 would mean to play the game at double speed"

    I have it on 60 fps and it doesn't speed up the game. This is not original BG1.

    Tested: When into a house, walked around and check the animation speed of the fireplace. 30 fps / 10 fps / 60 fps --> Always the same speed = This option actually does or means nothing at all (at least on my PC).
  • swnmcmlxiswnmcmlxi Member Posts: 297

    "framerate = 60 would mean to play the game at double speed"

    I have it on 60 fps and it doesn't speed up the game. This is not original BG1.

    Tested: When into a house, walked around and check the animation speed of the fireplace. 30 fps / 10 fps / 60 fps --> Always the same speed = This option actually does or means nothing at all (at least on my PC).

    This is said to be fixed in the latest patch. You can now enter the number of your choice in the baldur.ini file.
  • DantesDantes Member Posts: 15
    Zeckul said:

    @Dantes and what do you want me to put there as a solution ? ;)

    So it works now and I tried 2 things, so unsure which it is:
    - I added some text in the .ini file, according to info from another thread
    - I downloaded the latest patch.

    Only issues now are the mouse cursor in fullscreen mode that disappears while in inventory (fixed easily by playing in windows mode), and the stuttering/broken sounds while the cinematics play (all other sounds are fine).

    Thanks for all your help, I can finally start playing now! :-)

  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Dantes said:


    Zeckul said:

    @Dantes and what do you want me to put there as a solution ? ;)

    Only issues now are the mouse cursor in fullscreen mode that disappears while in inventory (fixed easily by playing in windows mode), and the stuttering/broken sounds while the cinematics play (all other sounds are fine).

    Thanks for all your help, I can finally start playing now! :-)

    The issue with the disappearing curser have been fixed for a couple of days.
    Go to the options screen and uncheck "Hardware Accelerated Mouse".

    That should take care of it, although some people experience sluggish mouse behavior after doing so.
    Mileage may vary in that regard, so give it a shot.
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    I've added the Hardware accelerated mouse check to the faq since the patch went out. You guys should re-read it once in a while ;)
  • sirchetsirchet Member Posts: 14
    Where do we find these patches?

    Some of us can't even get the game to start and don't have the option to choose anything from any menu.

    Is there a place on this site with links to the patches?
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