Thief cant use katana?

Maybe a wierd question. But is was under the impression that thiefs can use katanas.
I made Valygar a Fighter > Thief with profs in katana. I did this with the SCS NPC mod.
But i cant equip a katana. Not is own katana and not a regular katana.
Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
I made Valygar a Fighter > Thief with profs in katana. I did this with the SCS NPC mod.
But i cant equip a katana. Not is own katana and not a regular katana.
Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
Regular katanas? I don't know what's up with that. They require 6 strength, and any warrior or thief class which is not also a cleric or druid. Plus no cleric or druid kits, and no beastmasters.
Hmm... what kit does the game think Valygar is? That could be throwing things off, and it won't show up on the in-game character sheet if it's not a fighter or thief kit.
I have a component in my tweak mod for the issue with Valygar's own katana and other NPC-specific equipment; while it keeps the restriction to that NPC and any stat requirements listed in the description, it reduces the alignment, class, and unlisted stat requirements to reasonable levels. Which in this katana's case, would mean that Valygar could use it as long as he's any class that can normally use a katana.
I must apologize. I said en thought I also tried a regular katana. But is was Yoshimoś katana. I just cluaconsoled a normal katana. And that works. So I gues the problem is that he cant use his own katana anymore.
Althought It only mentions Usable by Valygar it also checks for his original class?
My bad.
- 4 strength. And you have to actually have it; Use Any Item doesn't override stat requirements. Not that having at least 4 strength is ever a problem.
- Tieflings only. No elves, dwarves, half-elves, halflings, humans, gnomes, or half-orcs.
- Bards only, either vanilla or blade. Nearly all other kits, even kits of other classes, are banned.
- Haer'Dalis only. And this last restriction isn't in the item file directly, and can't be overridden by UAI.
The component I pointed to in my mod would allow Valygar to use his sword as a fighter/thief. It would not allow him to use Yoshimo's sword.
That said, the specific component of my mod that I recommended here should be safe. It only changes the NPC items, by altering usability flags (and in one case adding an effect for the same purpose). Items, even items that party members are carrying, are not stored in the save; the creature/container/store just has the resource name, the numbers of charges, and some flags for stuff like "is it identified?" or "is it stolen?".