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Firebead Elvenhair Gold Trick - Gone in EE?

Just curious if he'll still give you 300 for 30... I'm tired of trying so I figured I'd ask, lol... seems like a no.


  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    It still works. It takes a good twenty seconds after click thirty to proc though. If you talk to him again in between click 30 and when he gives the gold, you don't get the gold.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Still no luck yet... I'll keep trying I was giving 20 seconds I'm sure.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Wow finally worked, there is a lag for sure. Thanks!
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660

    I can confirm this works. Do it before doing the quest for him.

    Count carefully. On #30 it takes a good long time. Then you'll get a message. "The party has received 300 gp." or something to that account on the chat box. So be sure to sit and wait on chat #30.

    You finish the conversation. Then WAIT. *Firm nod* He doesn't say anything different. It just happens.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited November 2012
    CaptRory said:


    I can confirm this works. Do it before doing the quest for him.

    I did it after completing his quest - Still worked fine but yeah, would be nice if they removed the lag after the 30th click... But maybe it makes it more of a trick, lol.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    If all he gives you is 300 gold I am ALL SET with clicking on him 30 times lol
  • GrifGrif Member Posts: 48
    right or left click? I don't remember this one, but it's nice if it gives out 300 gold at beginning of game. I'm assuming right click like as in how you get party members to saying something about touching them so much?
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2012
    is it possible to do it when you see him in Beregost after you leave Candle Keep?
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    @BlackIvory Not sure about Beregost... I kind of doubt it. But maybe worth a try.

    @KryptBeowulf 300 gold is a lot man at game-start man, lol
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Grif said:

    right or left click? I don't remember this one, but it's nice if it gives out 300 gold at beginning of game. I'm assuming right click like as in how you get party members to saying something about touching them so much?

    It is normal clicking, the kind that brings up the dialogue window.

    @HaHaCharade - Sorry that 20 seconds wasn't long enough for you. I was estimating.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2012
    Why bother with this when you can just murder Firebead? If you kill him you'll gain all the gold he has (nearly 400 gp), 1 mage robe, and you'll gain 2700xp which is enough for 1 or 2 levels (depending on your class). Those extra levels are really helpful at the start of the game since It prevents being one shot at the start of the game. My assassin was able to leave candlekeep at level 3 with 23 hp instead of a mere 8hp.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648

    Why bother with this when you can just murder him. If you kill him you'll gain all the gold he has (nearly 400 gp),1 mage robe, and you'll gain enough experience to go up a level or 2 depending on your class. Those extra levels are really helpful at the start of the game. It can help prevents being one shot at the start of the game. My assassin was able to leave candlekeep at level 3 with 23 hp instead of a mere 8hp.

    Because you can kill him later in Beregost after completing another quest and get the same stuff. If you kill him in Candlekeep in Enhanced Edition, he will not be present later on.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2012
    And yet the whole point of killing him in Candlekeep is to make sure your not killed by say the first wolf you meet outside.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648

    And yet the whole point of killing him in Candlekeep is to make sure your not killed by say the first wolf you meet outside.

    I'm fairly confident that the plate mail I took from Hull the Gate Guard will aid me in that encounter :P By the way if you kill a watcher for armor, make it Hull. He pops 80 more gold than a standard watcher does, plus you can sell his sword for an additional 7gp to that oaf Winthrop. Evil cheap bastards unite!

  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2012
    I can't wear plate mail as an assassin.... Though if you are a warrior class your only gaining 1 level. Killing him is much more valuable for quickly leveling classes (such as rouge or cleric) because you'll jump 2 levels which is a big deal.

    Like I said, with some lucky rolls for my HP gain, I left candlekeep with 23 hp.
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2012

    0.0 so much evil.....
  • GalenGalen Member Posts: 11
    I'm going to start up a new game tonight just so I can try out some of this "so much evil" as @BlackIvory put it. Brilliant!
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    @Galen - OMG, my in game character is named Galen with that exact portrait, how did you get out of my game?! XD
  • RilburRilbur Member Posts: 54
    You guys just make me think of the prophecy...

    "The lord of murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny..."

    Go enjoy being princes of murder, leave me out of it! :D
  • GalenGalen Member Posts: 11
    @BlackIvory My evil can't be contained in such a meager prison as a programming language. I shall not be denied!

    But seriously, if only I had know killing him would be so rewarding, I could have saved myself years of trouble in the wilderness. Evil FTW!
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2012
    Tips on who to murder in BG1:

    Note: you want to keep your rep around 7 since its the cheapest to increase your REP at temples with donations.

    Theres a quest in the Friendly arm inn to return a girdle to its owner. You can complete the quest then murder the poor bastard to get the belt back. Its a really good belt after all. And no, pickpocketing will not get you the girdle back. You must kill him.

    In Nashkel, you can lie to the guy that thinks your greywolf and take his reward. After you explorer the mines, you can return with the quest to return some gems. Except he won't pay you because your a lier. So murder that bastard and take the gems and his large amount of gold as payment for darning to get in your way.

  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited November 2012

    Tips on who to murder in BG1: *major snip* ^^

    I compared some NPC, who you can kill with no rep loss in vanilla (different sites etc) with the actual bgee...and in most cases you'll get a rep-hit anyway.
    e.g. Beregost Feldpost Inn - doing the good solution with Marl and kill him afterwards.

    Guess that's part of the 'fixing-progress' as it would be stupid to not loose any rep while killing him either way. Found some other stuff as well...that won't work anymore.

    Though I play a Cavalier, so I don't necessary kill random people :P

    [that's only thanks to the NPC-modding community, cause there is no decent NPC thief, with a nice story line suited for SoA+ToB .. any I actually want to import either the Paladin or a dual class fighter-cleric in BG2 and my current pick is Beyond-the-Law for a decent thief ::: I just hate Jan ^^ .. so I have to be the good guy]
  • SirK8SirK8 Member Posts: 527
    Ok, just a hint for anyone having trouble like I did on this. The VERY first time you talk to him, and he gives you the quest, counts as click #1. I know that may sound stupid to some, but I was assuming I had to accept the quest and then talk to him 30 times. Anyway, finally I tried 30 times total, including the time he gives you the quest. Passing that along in case it's helpful to someone else.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    If you murder him early you don't get a scroll case.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    moopy said:

    If you murder him early you don't get a scroll case.

    Indeed. I murder him *after* the quest where he gives you the scroll case :-)
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738

    moopy said:

    If you murder him early you don't get a scroll case.

    Indeed. I murder him *after* the quest where he gives you the scroll case :-)
    They really should add scroll case to couple vendors like High Hedge and SS too. It's very easy to miss out on that quest which gives basically an UI improvement.

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I've never got the Fire

    @BlackIvory Not sure about Beregost... I kind of doubt it. But maybe worth a try.

    @KryptBeowulf 300 gold is a lot man at game-start man, lol

    So, do you have to try the Gold trick in Candlekeep? I tried it in Beregost and couldn't get it to work, didn't realise it might be location-dependent...
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Also, can you try this trick in Candlekeep even if you don't give him the Identify scroll?
  • ljboljbo Member Posts: 177
    Why do you guys need so much HP or Gold in the early game? You don't attack all wolves, bears, or ogres on your path head on with a dagger, dressed in robes, do you? And what will 300 gold buy that will increase survivability in such great proportions? We get enough cash in mundane manners to equip a fighter from head to toe in my experience. In any case, decent dexterity, basic range weapons and team work with Imoen and no lone monster that can't shoot arrows has a chance. The only issue, really, is entering FAI, depending on the main character's class. And for many of them, it's easy actually. All those comments in the context of playing at insane difficult setting.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    ljbo said:

    Why do you guys need so much HP or Gold in the early game? You don't attack all wolves, bears, or ogres on your path head on with a dagger, dressed in robes, do you? And what will 300 gold buy that will increase survivability in such great proportions? We get enough cash in mundane manners to equip a fighter from head to toe in my experience. In any case, decent dexterity, basic range weapons and team work with Imoen and no lone monster that can't shoot arrows has a chance. The only issue, really, is entering FAI, depending on the main character's class. And for many of them, it's easy actually. All those comments in the context of playing at insane difficult setting.

    If you want to buy a scimitar or wakazashi, chain or scale mail and a ranged weapon, some classes don't get given enough gold to do this (e.g. Bards)
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