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Has wiping out the entire Fish City always been an option?

I'm in the midst of a BG2 playthrough as a paladin, and I've been trying to RP the paladin role as much as possible. For me, that means, among other things, refusing to assist or align myself with evil characters to the extent that the game allows.

Upon arriving in the Fish City, I was told the usual story about a prophecy and being "the chosen one," etc. I then chose the dialogue response telling the priestess (roughly quoted), "I won't do anything to help an evil race like yours survive." The priestess then ordered everyone to attack me. I figured this would be one of those moments where my character was insta-killed or the game would break and I'd have to restart, but instead, I ended up killing the priestess and her immediate crew. I then made my way through the Fish City, with everyone on both sides of the civil war already hostile toward me, and killed nearly every one that I encountered. I killed the King and his guards and picked up two sets of ropes (one that was on his body, another that was in his treasure stash). I persuaded the (non-evil) beholder to give me the tooth-looking object, then worked my way down to the prince's quarters, where he assumed that I had been sent by the (now deceased) king to kill him and attacked me. I killed him and his guards (with the exception of his priestess, who inexplicably just ran away), took a nice relaxing nap in his (now empty) quarters, and then descended to the underdark. (Ironically, if the prince had just kept his mouth shut and let me walk by, he would've inherited the entire kingdom!)

The reason that I pose the titular question is that every walkthrough I've seen for this area seems to indicate that players are OBLIGATED to choose a side in the civil war. Has the option to refuse either side always existed in BG2, or was it added by the EEs or perhaps unknowingly by a mod that I've installed?


  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085

    Checking out Sorcerers Place Baldur's Gate 2 walkthrough from when the game was released, we come across this entry -


    Why stop at just one of these scum-bags when you can kill them both? The best route of course is to side with Prince Villynaty, kill King Ixilthetocal and receive all the items and experience gained by doing so, then stab Prince Villynaty in the back and attack him and his goons. You'll receive all the experience for killing Prince Villynaty and his rebels, plus gain the Gauntlets of Crushing and part of the Wave Blade that you wouldn't normally get if you left him alive and well. Of course, if you want someone to help run the Sahuagin City and lead them into the future, you could leave Prince Villynaty alive and simply pick pocket him for the items."

    In your case, you just took a more direct route. Congratulations and enjoy the next leg of your adventure!
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    It doesn't sound like a well-designed quest path if all turn hostile and everyone just attacks and has to be killed. The prince should notice the dead king and offer safe passage out or whatever.
    To me, this sounds like a trigger gone rogue (all Saguahin turning hostile, not only the follower of one fraction). The outcome is silly up to immersion breaking imho.
    At least the game could handle all of them being dead.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    jastey wrote: »
    It doesn't sound like a well-designed quest path if all turn hostile and everyone just attacks and has to be killed. The prince should notice the dead king and offer safe passage out or whatever.
    To me, this sounds like a trigger gone rogue (all Saguahin turning hostile, not only the follower of one fraction). The outcome is silly up to immersion breaking imho.
    At least the game could handle all of them being dead.

    I agree. But the area and the quest have always seen oddly out of place imo.
    It seems like a chapter, that was meant for something bigger and better.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Or it's done quickly, considering half of the players might just miss it completely..
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    jastey wrote: »
    Or it's done quickly, considering half of the players might just miss it completely..

    I never miss the cloak if mirroring, a fine shop and the cloak of protection +2.
    I wont use the disclaimer brackets for this info, since the above are the only reasons for playing that chapter….
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