Love what your doing with BG, please, please, please do the same for Planescape

The title says it all.
-Endure, in enduring grow strong.(especially when rolling a new character)
-Endure, in enduring grow strong.(especially when rolling a new character)
Post edited by Zarathustra on
I fear i might never see a game like that again is what im trying to say i guess.
-Endure, in enduring grow strong(specially when rolling a new character)
I would sell my soul for PST:EE!
The scale of the writing might be a hard sell to today's game crowd.
I think dragon age 1 is the only rpg that has even a fraction of what Torment had writing wise.
+Zarathustra isn't the Übermensch as i recall. Merely a prophet for the Übermensch.