Losing Rep Without Being a Dick
Heya, board. I'm thinking of running a good party with a couple evil characters in it, if only because I've never played with any of 'em before. Only problem is that I'm not willing to randomly murder people to keep my rep from going over 18. Is there anywhere you can safely lose rep without going on a killing spree? Like, maybe a vendor you can steal from who then calls guards you can bribe, with an attendant rep loss?
Have your evil characters do evil things, handle quests in evil ways, and generally be the vile little sods they are, earn that hatred.
When viconia joins you get -2 rep
Generally some quests have evil solutions which give -1 rep
Some supposedly good aligned npcs are assholes and attack you unless you can talk your way out of it - these guys are only nominally good or neutral, since harassing and attacking people just walking by is an inherently chaotic evil action. A certain flaming fist mercenary and a paladin in bg spring to mind as examples of this.
Anyway, in the realms what evil characters do is mostly steal and kill, so it's pretty difficult to lose rep other than that. But you do lose points from having Viconia and Dorn join you, so that's two "free" minus points right there.
alternative: use tweak pack to make 'em shut up, or that's what I did anyway - hearing "herp derp why you no be evil" for the hundredth time can get on anybody's nerves. most of them should understand the whole villain with good publicity thing. didn't try it out on BGEE currently though, but it supposedly works here too.
"The BG1NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment
This component places three Bards in three inns scattered on the Sword Coast. Each can be hired to spread your fearsome reputation around, decreasing your reputation. The amount of money this costs is dependent on your current reputation. This allows players to manipulate reputation both upwards through temple donations, and downwards through the spread of rumors (for those of us who hate killing an innocent just to keep neutral NPCs happy)."
-gameplaywise it provides a way to lower as well as raise rep using only gold
-settingwise it works because that would be something bards could be paid to do
-immersionwise it lets players like @crawlkill let the Sword Coast know 'Hey, I might not be stepping on puppies but I'm still someone you don't want to mess with!'
With Viconia, the most useful aspect of her rep lowering is when you would otherwise have a 19 or 20 rep. Kick her out and your rep goes to 20. Add her back and you are at 18. That is the only situation where she net lowers your rep.
So far my strategy has just been to kill the shit out of that Fist mercenary instead of talking him down. Let's face it: He deserved it. -7 rep was hell on my buy prices and was actually enough to put me in Fist patrol spawn territory, but I get it back up to 6 in Nashkel by refusing the 200 gold. I can see this is going to be difficult, though. Hrm.
Does anyone know if that "party members just don't quit" component of Ease of Use is working?
Be aware that if you are playing BG2 this will break your Viconia romance. Once you get pretty far along in the romance (not sure if you have to change her alignment or not) she will eventually stay no matter what your alignment is.
After you make it, you can blackmail the lady who gave you this quest to give you 500 gold every 2 days. You get -1 rep every time, I think.
Just kill Drizzt. It's pure profit
I've also killed asshole nobleman at Nashkel Faire. And noone even said anything