Blackguard is a Paladin Kit / The Holy Avanger(BG2) requires Paladin kit.

So, a Blackguard can equip the Holy Avanger from BG2 amirite? :b
On a side note, what happens if I try to import a BG EE save to BG2? Specificly if the protagonist is a Blackguard.
Just curious!
On a side note, what happens if I try to import a BG EE save to BG2? Specificly if the protagonist is a Blackguard.
Just curious!
A fragment from the Holy Avanger's (Carsomyr +5) description. Based on this, a Blackguard shouldn't be able to wield it.
And I've just try to import the character file of a Blackguard in BG2. You simply get a Loyal/Neutral/Chaotic Evil Paladin (so, without any kit). It's logical, as the Blackguard kit isn't coded in BG2.
But the rules should apply, maybe you need to have above 6 reputation to keep the paladin class, and you should be able to wield Carsomyr.
I can imagine Dorn for instance, knocking on the Order's door with a heart in his hand still "radiating" heat, asking for admission...
Furthermore, I've been thinking and if any kit should be proper for the Blackguard it should be the Fighter kit, no? I understand the Blackguard uses a degree of magic as I've rolled one in the Black Pits, but it being a Paladin kit also means only a Human can be a Blackguard (So how did Dorn become one in the first place as Half Orc?).
If it was to be a standalone or Fighter kit, anyone could be Blackguard without restrictions other than aligment.
And if there isn't, there are some swords that are better than Carsomyr. Silver vorpal sword comes to mind.
Also, there are no evil only swords in BGII, there are two which SHOULD be, blackrazor (long sword) and whatever the demon knights negative level weapon is called, but neither of them requires any particular alignment.
And, regarding NPCs and classes, there are plenty of characters which break the rules in some way.
There are way better two-handed swords than that one (like the vorpal sword) and the blackrazor is more of a flavor item which you only get by the end of BG1 and is not that good anyhow in ToB.
Also, if you chose to keep blackrazor, mainchar turns evil anyhow minutes later (if they implement Baldurdash type of patches).
There are plenty of ideas I'd like to pitch to them though, they don't seem to grasp balance very well at all.
I know with Item Upgrade you can fuse it with Soulreaver (eh, another nice sword for a Blackguard) to make an evil sword with both's powers (overpowered? Never!), so maybe I'm just confused.
I think of it this way -- someone can be a worshiper of Jesus or worship the Devil. But if they lose their faith, then they are no longer among the true worshipers. Fallen paladins are like former worshipers who no longer believe (i.e., have lost their faith) while devil worshipers have a differently oriented faith.
A Blackguard never strives to be good and loses his way. He strives to do evil in service of evil holy powers. Therefore, there is no need for him to lose the 'blessing' of the divine forces he serves like a paladin that strays from the path or loses his faith. A blackguard should similarly be able to 'fall' from the 'grace' of his divine benefactors if he strays from the path of evil.
Your statement that an evil paladin = fallen (or faithless) paladin presumes that the evil gods would never bless their holy warriors like the good gods do, but that is antithetical to the blackguard kit. Since that kit is about doing evil in the name of unholy powers, those evil powers can bless and reward the blackguard like the regular paladins.
However, I still think Blackguard should be a Fighter kit because it would be alot more convenient for the game itself.
There could maybe be struck a balance, whereas all races can pick the Paladin kit but all the non-humans will have all kits apart from Blackguard greyed out, maybe? And then maybe script the Blackguard Paladin kit to have the BG2 stronghold bonus of the Fighter... But from that point things would already get confusing for newer players. So the simple solution is Blackguard Fighter kit.
On a side note, the way I explained Blackguard Paladin kit to myself was that they posess a degree of magic and granted powers, that other fighter kits do not have, neither similiar. They Could be seen as an evil paladin yes, but they are not necesarily, at all not.