Be honest; who here actually fled at the end of the battle in the original? Soon as I got control of my character, I walked right back up there and looted that gold and gem the ogre drops. So... so much for common sense. If those guys knew me, my quest would have ended rather quickly.
For a man who set out specifically to kill my character, Sarevok seemed rather disinterested in finishing the job. I wasn't even half a map away and right in the middle of the road, without cover! It couldn't have been that much of a hunt.
I think Sarevok, being Chaotic Evil, just got bored and went to do something else. That's the problem with Chaotics; they just do whatever the hell their impulse tells them.
@DeathMachineMiyagi, I know that was a joke, but it raises an interesting serious note, too. My thought as a storyteller is that Sarevok was badly wounded in the battle with Gorion, and his cleric was out of spells, and he wasn't willing to take any chances.
Also, I'm pretty sure his alignment is Lawful Evil, or at least, that's what he acts like, given his intricate political plotting. I've never used him in ToB - can anyone tell us what his alignment label is?
@DeathMachineMiyagi, I know that was a joke, but it raises an interesting serious note, too. My thought as a storyteller is that Sarevok was badly wounded in the battle with Gorion, and his cleric was out of spells, and he wasn't willing to take any chances.
Also, I'm pretty sure his alignment is Lawful Evil, or at least, that's what he acts like, given his intricate political plotting. I've never used him in ToB - can anyone tell us what his alignment label is?
Well, he DID just kill a very powerful mage... How much of a danger is a level 1 child with less than 10 hit points? I wouldn't be afraid to attack a goblin at level 10 with less than 10 hit points (assuming he was badly hurt), and I'm sure the goblin is as much, if not more, of a challenge.
@Madae, he might not know just how much Bhaalspawn power you have developed. Gorion could have been circulating rumors that you are more powerful than you are.
Of course, we know that the real reason he doesn't give pursuit is that there wouldn't be a game to play if he did.
He also had bigger fish to fry, or didn't realize you'd survived after the arrow hits. Rather than look for the body, he left it to the wolves to deal with the little bugger. None of the other spawn were worthy threats to him, so why would CHARNAME be any different?
I think he lost you. It was dark, neither Sarevok nor Tamoko had infravision... besides, he thought you were a weakling who wouldn't live long.
That's an acceptable excuse. I can see someone like Sarevok killing someone close to you and then leaving you alone in the wild as a sick joke.
Buuuuut, to keep the argument going;
@belgarathmth Come on, he's killed people far more promising (experience-wise) than you long before he ever found you! Plus, you don't start experiencing any affects of your power until well after the first game.
But, yes, competence of "evil-tude" wouldn't make much of a game.
Classic arrogant evil guy is soooo overused. If I was an evil guy, I would do it proper-like. We've all seen enough movies to know the basic mistakes of said classic arrogant evil guy, this being the prime example.
I think Sarevok, being Chaotic Evil, just got bored and went to do something else. That's the problem with Chaotics; they just do whatever the hell their impulse tells them.
Also, I'm pretty sure his alignment is Lawful Evil, or at least, that's what he acts like, given his intricate political plotting. I've never used him in ToB - can anyone tell us what his alignment label is?
Sarevok is chaotic.
Of course, we know that the real reason he doesn't give pursuit is that there wouldn't be a game to play if he did.
Buuuuut, to keep the argument going;
@belgarathmth Come on, he's killed people far more promising (experience-wise) than you long before he ever found you! Plus, you don't start experiencing any affects of your power until well after the first game.
But, yes, competence of "evil-tude" wouldn't make much of a game.
Wander around ogre country, wounded, after a difficult fight with a skilled mage, looking for a badly hurt boy/girl?
Or head back home for tea and biccies, knowing the runts either dead now, or will be, when the ogres find him/her?
Classic arrogant evil guy mistake # 1.