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[portraits][mod] Sorcerer portraits for Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale EE using A.I.

CragsandCragsand Member Posts: 7
edited October 2022 in General Modding

Portraits for sorcerers, mages, bards or whichever class you think fits for the old Infinity Engine DnD games Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate. All generated using artificial intelligence A.I. The theme is clothing for cold weather which may not match everywhere outside of Icewind Dale.

Copyright: Free to reuse for any purpose since they're machine generated and retouched by me. If you wish to repackage for mods, edit, use for other games, etc go ahead!

Download 7zip archives via Deviant art (too big files to post directly):
Install instructions:
  1. Download and extract the 7ZIP file using
  2. Install and run Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale or Infinity Engine Enhanced Edition game by Beamdog, once.
  3. Locate My Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\portraits. For other games the folders are named after that game.
  4. Create the folder if it does not already exist.
  5. Extract the portraits you want. You can probably skip the small versions ending with an *S. I'm not actually sure if the Enhanced Edition uses these at all.

Uncropped images if you wish to use them for DnD tokens or other games:
More info:
I revisited the games again after getting the enhanced editions and figured it would be neat to use the new AI tools to generate some portraits in similar style. Might make more portrait packs similar to this one in the future.
A.I. software running in python used to create:
Post edited by Cragsand on


  • CragsandCragsand Member Posts: 7
    Sorry for posting in the wrong section before. I hope I chose the correct category, cheers
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 62
    Very nice! Thank you for work.
  • CragsandCragsand Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2022
    Went back, cleaned up and repaired eyes manually for all the character portraits. They now all look much better!
    Also renamed with shorter 7 letter length filenames i.e. xxxxxxS.bmp, xxxxxxM.bmp, xxxxxxL.bmp

    If you have 8 letters or more in filenames the custom *M.bmp size images for zooming in on the NPC menus are ignored by Enhanced Editions. The small image sizes ending with *S.bmp are not used by Enhanced Editions at all so you can skip those. I still included them however.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Awesome and terrifying what AI is capable of. Some of their armour seems very familiar, as if it actually collected it from BG / NWN style portraits.
  • SatrhanSatrhan Member Posts: 78
    Found a nice portrait for my new playthrough of BG here, thanks!
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