Wyvern Crown of Cormyr - Jousting Tournament Bug

Well, I have got through most of the official modules reasonably well, but have got stuck at the Jousting Touurnament in Thunderstone.
All the practicing jousts went off without a hitch. But, in the jousting for real, afterthe first pass, whether I have hit, unseated or missed the opponent, the whole follow through cut scene after the two knights are across from eachother. The background animation and music continues, but I have no more control.
I tried waiting it out: Unsuccessfully. The only escape is to click the X at the top right of the window and end the game. I tried starting over again and changing my attack and defend points as suggested in some onlinefora, but the cut scene still freezes.
Has anyone got past the Jousts? If so how?
Grateful for any advice anyone out there may have on how to get past thecut scene freeze up.
Otherwise this module - which I have found quite enjoyable to this point - is going to go to the unused junk pile.
All the practicing jousts went off without a hitch. But, in the jousting for real, afterthe first pass, whether I have hit, unseated or missed the opponent, the whole follow through cut scene after the two knights are across from eachother. The background animation and music continues, but I have no more control.
I tried waiting it out: Unsuccessfully. The only escape is to click the X at the top right of the window and end the game. I tried starting over again and changing my attack and defend points as suggested in some onlinefora, but the cut scene still freezes.
Has anyone got past the Jousts? If so how?
Grateful for any advice anyone out there may have on how to get past thecut scene freeze up.
Otherwise this module - which I have found quite enjoyable to this point - is going to go to the unused junk pile.
@JuliusBorisov may know more as well ofc
Saw numerous older posts on this on different sites, all of which seem to say the problem was never addressed.
On the other hand, there are many posts which indicate others have been able to play the whole game through with no problem.
I'm going to start over and see if it makes any difference to the play when I get to the jousting part.
I found that the only way to complete the tournament was to save at every point possible between the jousting bouts and then, when the cut scene freezes, just exit the game and start over again at the last starting point.
I suspect that there may be specific combinations of offensive and defensive actions that cause the cut scene to freeze, but I never had the patience to note down all the ones that caused the problems. [There does not appear to be any bug in the joust training phase.]
I suspect there may be a combination of factors that affect whether or not the game hangs, ranging from in the game software and options taken therein, to the hardware on which the game is played.
Sir Argon True Silver: Chose SF and lean right
Sir Baradin Hawklin: FP and Steady in Saddle
Lady Morgana: Base and Steady in Saddle
Sir Blakeney Hawklin: Helm and Steady in Saddle
Again if anyone can add to this I'm sure the community would greatly appreciate it as it will help get folks through this highly ahoying issue.
Squire Raelyn Huntsilver: ??
Squire Argon Truesilver: SF , lean right (doesn’t always work )
Squire Victor Wyvernspur: FP and Steady Seat
Sir Reginald Huntsilver: FP and shield high
Sir Baradin Hawklin: FP and Steady in Saddle (confirmed)
Lady Morgana: Helm and Shield Low for points, no unhorsing (base and steady seat didn’t work for me)
Sir Blakeny Hawklin: helm and steady in saddle won me points but took two rounds to win
Lady Ariane Fitzcormaeril: helm and shield low won points and took several rounds to win
Sir Giolin Wyvernspur: ??
What a PITA this was! The game crashed if I tried to save in the jousting area (and other adjacent areas) or look at my journal etc. Shame on Beamdog for releasing this and never fixing it . I’m on console, PS4
I will consolidate any combinations others may post here in a revision of the walkthrough that I did my first time through. ( I will also try to keep more systematic note of those I try next time through. )
Sir Azar Truthsilver: FP and steady seat but doesn’t always work the first round
Sir Drake Huntcrown: SF and lean right for points, helm and steady seat for points
Sir Reginald Huntsilver: FP and high shield unhorses or gives points
I hope this helps someone