Icewind Dale EE - Questions about Reputation and Shop prices
I wonder how I can raise my starting reputation in IWDEE in order to gain some more bonuses once I go on my next shopping spree.
Unlike in the Baldur's Gate Series, donating in temples does not seem to help. Also the BG Wiki mentions a ton of quests - the one for Icewind Dale does'nt seem to havy any...
Another qustion i am interested in:
How are shop prices exactly calculated?
The IWD Wiki has a list for Pomab's which differntiates between good, bad and neutral rep, which seems to be different from what the manual says.
Can someone maybe provide the exact formula?
Thank you for any advice!
Unlike in the Baldur's Gate Series, donating in temples does not seem to help. Also the BG Wiki mentions a ton of quests - the one for Icewind Dale does'nt seem to havy any...
Another qustion i am interested in:
How are shop prices exactly calculated?
The IWD Wiki has a list for Pomab's which differntiates between good, bad and neutral rep, which seems to be different from what the manual says.
Can someone maybe provide the exact formula?
Thank you for any advice!
So the price discounts mentioned in the manual seem to be kind of moot (if you no do not use an editor that is.)
I wonder if there is a mod that adds more possibilities regarding reputation?
having 20 CHA ( which has the max benefit ) gives you a 25% discount while your REP will set the default price ( either making it more or less expensive, for example; 1 REP makes items 1000% more expensive, while 20 REP makes items 70% of their cost )
and then each store has a mark buy/sell mark up and depreciation value on top of that as well
the formula for CHA is as follows;
1-15= 0% discount
16 = 5% discount
17 = 10% discount
18 = 15% discount
19 = 20% discount
20-25 = 25% discount
formula for Reputation: ( % of base price )
1 = 1000
2 = 1000
3 = 200
4 = 150
5 = 140
6 = 130
7 = 120
8 = 120
9 = 110
10-14 = 100
15 = 95
16 = 90
17 = 85
18 = 80
19 = 75
20 = 70
now in the EEs they changed it for IWD where you can actually donate money to the temple to get your REP back up if it falls low, the only caveat is that you can increase back up to like 7 or 8 which is loltastic to be honest
if you possess the modding tools to do so, you can change these parameters in the following files;
REPMODST.2da affects the base price as above
REPUTATI.2da affects how much you need to donate to increase your REP to the next point ( just make sure to put in "10" for the "money church" row for each point increase to be "1" in game, and "base church" row is how much money you need for the next point )
CHRMODST.2da affects how much of a discount you get with said CHA score as above
and if you are incredibly savy, you can look at the xxxx.STO files ( which are the stores in the game ) and see what their sell/buy mark up is and change it as you like ( you can also change things like if you can steal from them and how much of a stealing penalty you get as well and so on)
At least, that flag works in BGEE/BG2EE. I don't know about IWDEE.
I am still wondering if there is mod that gives me REP increases for quests in IWDEE like the "Laravals" one mentioned above.
I have never heard of such a mod as of yet.
Whithout a means of getting REP higher throughout gameplay (like you can in the BG series) the whole tweaking would not make much sense I guess.
The noted bonus from this not mentioned, is that you can accumulate infinite money, by buying and selling for profit. As the buying price becomes lower than the selling price(ie Orrik & Oswald).
I will try and install Lava DelVortels mods on my next playthrough and see how many points I get from there.
I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has tried out these kods how many points you can get...
As for buying and selling I think I will buy from Orrick / Oswald and sell stuff to Nym withe the highest REP possible to make some profits.
I listed possible reputation rewards in the quest summary tables of my walkthroughs: