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Game breaking bug in bridgefort quest

DoomsirenDoomsiren Member Posts: 4
edited November 2022 in Troubleshooting
Hi everyone,

Been playing the siege of dragonspear in co op with a friend but we've encountered a bug that disables us from continueing the main quest. Surrendering the fort triggers a cutscene that get's stuck. The drawbridge won't get lowered and so negotiations don't initiate. This keeps repeating itself after reloading or using a previous versions of the game. Taking the fight to the crusaders resulted in another bug where Khalid was not responsive after taking care of the crusaders. Khalid was just walking around the area aimlessly. Unfortunately we haven't been able to beat to crusaders again so we can't confirm if that bug persists.

Does anyone know a solution?
Post edited by Doomsiren on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Before finding a solution, we need a proper diagnosis.

    Both Khalid's dialogue and the cutscenes that do things in the area depend on global variables that track the progress of the plot - most notably, bd_bridgefort_plot. If that's set wrong for some reason, it'll break things.

    But that's just a guess. We need more details (like a save) to determine exactly what's going on.
  • DoomsirenDoomsiren Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for your reply, I uploaded a save just before we talk to khalid.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Testing ... when attempting surrender, the scene's problem appears to be that The Barghest's actions aren't executed. He's supposed to teleport to a spot (that he's already standing in) and then walk over to the bridge, but that walk never happens. And then he doesn't talk to you, so the scene never ends. Force quit required.

    Why this happens ... I haven't figured it out yet. Nothing appears to be wrong with The Barghest, and his actions in the cutscene aren't dependent on any of those global variables that I wondered about earlier.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited December 2022
    This might be a silly idea, but maybe pressing Esc will end the cutscene nevertheless? Because then another cutscene gets triggered that might run through. In case you haven't tried yet.
    For diagnosis, we'd need whether you have mods installed. EDIT or not, if @jmerry could reproduce the error. I had a quick glance whether there is an instance of the CutSceneID executing actions via ActionOverride (which is destined to break) but couldnt see any, at least not for the Barghest.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Hitting Esc doesn't work to break cut scene mode, unless the cutscene is explicitly set as breakable (this one isn't). Hitting Cmd-H or Cmd-M (hide, leave full screen) doesn't work. If I'm already not in full screen, telling it to quit from the dock doesn't work. Only a force quit (Cmd-Opt-Esc) does it.
    jastey wrote: »
    For diagnosis, we'd need whether you have mods installed. EDIT or not, if @jmerry could reproduce the error. I had a quick glance whether there is an instance of the CutSceneID executing actions via ActionOverride (which is destined to break) but couldnt see any, at least not for the Barghest.
    My test was in fully unmodified BGEE+SoD 2.6, single player. I can't speak for the original, of course.

    As for that ActionOverride issue ... this cutscene is in the area script, with no instances of CutSceneID calls. I'm pretty sure there isn't a viewpoint character that can break things. Also, if it were breaking that way, actions after the first Barghest action wouldn't be executed. Since I saw Hormorn, Oloneiros, and Vichand move to the bridge, that's definitely not the case. I can conclusively say that's not the problem. The reason the cutscene doesn't end is that there isn't an EndCutSceneMode() action in it; the Barghest's dialogue is what gets you out of that mode, and that dialogue doesn't happen.
  • DoomsirenDoomsiren Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for looking into this!

    We have no mods installed
  • DoomsirenDoomsiren Member Posts: 4
    So does anyone have any advice for me? Do we have to use console commands or something like that?
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