Why/how can barbarians be Lawful?

Do you think that the Lawful alignments should really be available to Barbarians? I know that this is possible in the original BG2 as well as the EE version, but shouldn't they be Neutral/Chaotic alignments only to be more in line with the P&P rules?
If your clan has a set of rules/laws, if your god has a set of tenets, and you follow them all rigorously then I'd say you are Lawful. You abide by the laws and rules of the society around you.
It would certainly make you Chaotic if you kept following the rules of your Clan if you ventured into one of the mentioned cities.
So it kinda comes down to perspective.. in who's eyes are you lawful or chaotic.
I see no reason why a barbarian can't be lawful.. imagine how a barbarian clan in IWD would survive winter, if they were all chaotic individuals who had absolutely 0 respect for rules and tradition.. it would collapse instantly, but it doesn't because the individuals are in fact not chaotic.
I can see a case to not make him lawful at least, ya.
This means that, yes, it is entirely possible to have a Lawful Barbarian who strictly follows the traditions and taboos of his tribe, such as believing that only women should be spellcasters, that one must never hunt certain animals on certain days, that debts of vengeance and honor must always be obeyed etc. etc. The only area where it could get sticky is when it comes to the Barbarian's Rage ability, because that kind of frenzied, "throw all caution to the wind" approach to combat is usually at odds with a Lawful warrior's approach of always having plans and stratagems in place.
I don't mind really, because the arguments for "occasional-Lawfully-aligned-Barbarians" above are actually pretty convincing, so I suppose if you stretch your imagination you could have a good aligned Assassin too, altough they'd also be rare I think.
im pretty sure a lot of players look at it this way, because this is how i have always viewed the lawful/chaos axis
lawful in his clan but lawless in a city, for instance. And many more
alternative situations. The DnD system seems to just be a simplification
and as such lacks accuracy.
But that means it’s quite simple see a barbarian character who is very into the needs of tribe, the needs of his family; and is determined to support those institutions in any circumstance. That also helps with good vs evil being a separate axis entirely.
Now it may be problematic in some cases to explain how a lawful barbarian came to be an adventurer (left the tribe?), could maybe be looking for a new tribe for some reason. But overall barbarian is in no way difficult to view as lawful.