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Dose any one find where Rilsa was killed in Adoy's enclave?

I searched whole map and I can't find the place. Every time I was talking with Magreb, he asked me the same question.
I feel bad...


  • Jon1renicusJon1renicus Member Posts: 5
    Nope, I didn't. Having trouble finding this secret camp for Dorn's quest too
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399

    In the general area where you find Adoy (leaving out the rest as to avoid spoiling more), one of the rooms to the right and south has a body with armor, two Short Swords, and a helmet but nothing updates when you search there. Sadly, I didn't get the quest until after winning the fight, so the Gobbies won't talk to me now to say one way or the other. Not much help, I know, but you're not alone.
  • JayArcherJayArcher Member Posts: 1
    Where the armour and short swords are there is a spot where the cursor changes to a circle made of two arrows. Clicking on that spot allows you to bury the body.
  • forest39forest39 Member Posts: 17
    anothr question about Neras quest, *may contain spoilers*

    is it just supposed to end with adoy disapearing and the journal not being updated, it just seems weird to me and i dont want to go forward and then find out later that i messed something up and now cant advance with Neera
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    I'm kinda curious wioth Neeera too, as my convevo options all led her to snap at me, that it was 'all about me' and I ouldn't think of anything else to do/places to go, to get her to talk again....
  • SarevokSarevok Member Posts: 2
    I have the same problems finding that body. Could somebody provide a screenshot or the coordinates?

    In general i'm also a bit underwhelmed by Neera's quest. It ended too abrupt and now she's not talking anymore.
  • GeorgeZGeorgeZ Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for help, I go back to search for the body but it is gone. So I guess I only can do that by my next character.
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2012
    Just keep playing she will talk to you might want to switch between Inn and outdoor when you rest...I know thats what I did ( cause Jaheira romance dialogue in BG2 trigerred outdoor and indoor)

    Edit: outdoor as in general map area aka woods and such
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Where is this body? I don't see it anywhere?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    body is by the treasure chest with the magical leather armour
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    There is also a "magical" moose and squirrel one the north west river bank worth checking out.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    @deltago Ok found it thank you!

    @Xiviriel Yeah I found that too, it was weird... is that some kinda easter egg?
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    It is a little frustrating, but I got it, too.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    I found it quite humorous and very fitting for a wild magic area. On my first playthrough I had an ogre appear and on my second it was a gnoll. What did you guys get?
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I got an ogre. It was a GREAT parody of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Only I'm pretty sure Bullwinkle pulled a lion out of his sleeve.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Ogre, Rocky and Bullwinkle lol that's random and... old.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I actually thought that one was fun. Must be one of the easter eggs. @Xiviriel - only played once, and got Ogre.
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