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Max level arcane spells available in BG:EE classic campaign.

Hi everyone.

Honestly tried to Google the topic, but got banned from Google unfortunately. =(

Can anyone please tell me what is the maximum level arcane spells that exist and are attainable by PC in an unmodded BG:EE? Currently I am in THE CITY and maximum spells I've seen are lvl 5. (Cloudkill for instance). Haven't gotten to any expansion stuff yet.

I am playing BG EET and asking specifically for the first installment of the BG:EE and expansions if that helps.

Thanks a lot =)

P.S.: Asking this because I am: 1. Playing solo FMT 2. Playing w/o level cap, so I want to know my limits as
an arcane spellcaster. 3. Yes, a power player and I kill for exp. whatever and whenever I can get away with XD


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,904
    In BGEE, the available arcane scrolls go up to level 5, but no further. This includes the Siege of Dragonspear campaign and Black Pits adventure as well.
    In addition, the standard level caps for BGEE/SoD/BP limit the arcane casting classes so that they'll never get a level 6 spell slot.

    In short, level 5 spells are the limit. As a FMT, you won't get any level 5 slots unless you play deep into SoD. In fact, you won't even get any level 4 spell slots before that campaign; the level cap for the main BGEE campaign is 161K total experience, just short of the 180K you would need for your first level 4 slot. If you want level 4 and level 5 spells, casting them from scrolls is the only option.

    That is, if you weren't playing EET and letting it eliminate the campaign-specific experience caps. With the caps breached, scroll availability is the limit - nothing past level 5, and the supply of level 5 scrolls is quite limited.
  • foma_mgppufoma_mgppu Member Posts: 115
    @jmerry Hi and thanks a lot for the answer.
    Have a great day!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,083
    In Siege of Dragonspear, druids can get 6th-level spells, though they aren't arcane casters.
  • BardsSuck_BardsSuck_ Member Posts: 133
    How the hell you got banned from Google ?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 602
    jmerry wrote: »
    That is, if you weren't playing EET and letting it eliminate the campaign-specific experience caps. With the caps breached, scroll availability is the limit - nothing past level 5, and the supply of level 5 scrolls is quite limited.

    EET doesn't eliminate campaign-specific XP caps on it's own. You need to use another mod (cdtweaks/EET_Tweaks/etc.) for it.
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