Solo thief/cleric multi BG2 run.

I started a solo run for the first time, never tried it.
Im not sure on what weapons i will stick with, apr is crap, but im enjoying a lot. Just left Irenicus dungeon and did Kalah quest, im afraid of the atkhala ambush, its gonna be tough, but since im chaotic evil i have horror.
I dont fully get the thief cleric yet, but i guess its most backstabbing and traps where this character shines. Im rpíng a as a fd up individual who is angry at the world like Kalah, hes a 5´1 gnome.
Charname: Subhuman
18 str
18 dex
18 con
7 int (min)
17 wis
3 chr (min)
Thoughts or tips ?
Im not sure on what weapons i will stick with, apr is crap, but im enjoying a lot. Just left Irenicus dungeon and did Kalah quest, im afraid of the atkhala ambush, its gonna be tough, but since im chaotic evil i have horror.
I dont fully get the thief cleric yet, but i guess its most backstabbing and traps where this character shines. Im rpíng a as a fd up individual who is angry at the world like Kalah, hes a 5´1 gnome.
Charname: Subhuman
18 str
18 dex
18 con
7 int (min)
17 wis
3 chr (min)
Thoughts or tips ?
if backstab is you thang then keep at it, the level 2 spell draw upon holy might helps in this regard giving you a +1 to STR/DEX/CON for every 3 levels so this helps in hitting your target and dealing some extra damage
plus with the increase in DEX from this spell it gives a boost to your thief skills as well, especially for pick pocket, no sense in buying items if you can steal them instead ( if the option is available that is )
for level 3 spells, animate is a great one, the skellies get stronger at certain level ups, plus they are also great distractors while you get your CHAR into place for either a backstab or some crowd control spells if need be
for level 4 spells having a prot from evil 10' radius and some defensive harmonies is usually pretty good, especially if you summon some skellies before hand, this basically gives evil baddies a -4 to hit on your make shift group, plus the level 10 prot from evil spell has a long duration unlike the level 1 spell does
for level 5 righteous magic is great, it stacks with draw upon holy might ( making your STR even crazier ) gives you +1 HP per level AND every attack deals maximum damage, if back stab is your thang, make sure to have this spell cast
also if you want to cut back a bit and have summons do the fighting you can always go with flamestrikes from the rear, its only single target but it deals some pretty big damage
or if crowd control is more your thing greater command can work, it pretty much works the same as the level 4 mage spell emotion hopelessness, and what is great is a sleeping enemy might as well be a dead enemy since it cant fight back
for level 6 you have quite a few options;
blade barrier being the main one, since you will no doubt be crowded quite a lot, this spell will deal decent damage to anyone around you if they fail a save
heal is a great spell if you get hit hard and can fall back for a bit, no matter how much damage you have this spell heals you to full, although the cast time is quite huge so watch out
physical mirror can be good if you are getting bombarded by ranged weaponry since this spell will deflect those attacks back to their attacker, but other than that, this spell has no use
and i dont recall if clerics get them, but if they do, conjure animals is by far THE best animal summoning spell in the game, the 2 bears it summons wreck shop and wreck shop good, in fact if you can cast this spell twice, that is x4 bears that will cause some serious destruction, throughout SoA these bears are going to be god sends
for level 7 there are some options;
regenerate is great if you find yourself taking damage often, this spell will make you regenerate extremely quickly although the duration is a bit short, so casting right before battle is pretty much mandatory,
there is shield of the archons, which is basically a weaker version of spell trap, but not to shabby if stuck in a mage heavy mess, although with higher level spells it will probably only absorb a couple, but hey, that could be the difference between life and death
also around this time, when you are starting to get into your level 7 spells you will be getting your high level abilities
and especially the cleric quest spells for the most part are going to be way better than your normal spell selection the ones that you will want for sure are;
aura of flaming death; gives a bunch of protection bonuses plus an AC bonus of -4 which is great
globe of blades, just like blade barrier except more damage and comes with a beautiful saving throw penalty for your enemy making it harder to resist
elemental summoning is pretty good, especially once you start hitting ToB the mountain bears might lose their edge a bit but these elementals are good to go throughout the whole game, plus you might even luck out with an elemental prince summon every once in a while, definitely worth it since they are the most powerful summon in the game creature wise
energy blades, implosion, mass raise dead arent really going to be all that beneficial for a single character game, so i wouldn't invest too much time into them
plus another ability you are going to want, especially on that thief side is use any item, this will make it so you can also use mage spell scrolls without hassle, kind of making yourself a pseudo mage/cleric/thief, this is especially great for spells like tensors transformation and the protection form magical weapon spells, and even stoneskins, spell shields, spell immunity, so on and so on
On one hand its crazy how can i rush everything with sanctuary, but this character is definitely a trickster type. Once i have UAI ill try kundane and some item with improved haste to push apr.
I might go for human flesh,m im gonna murder avalon, i never tried that armor. Im using ranger merella armor for now which lets me stealth.
The Human Flesh armor isn't very good for AC, but it's great for magical defense with the MR and save bonuses.
Im gonna murder avalon out of butthurt for the last playthorugh she teleported me in front of a bunch of enemies and i died....shes useless, im gonna make a omelet with her stupid eggs fried with her blood !
Time to farm xp in underdark until i plot the next adventure, i wanted take a printscreen but i cant they get black ?? I have that avatar with irish guy tith stupid peaky blinder hat, its hilarious.
LoL 😸 Well, I indicated my tactics here:
working for any cleric of level 11 or higher (in initial BP2 fights). 😉
Wow... too many enemies! It's impossible to survive in such battle on LoB. Where are U? A gnoll stronghold? 😼
And its just the first challenge of pocket plane hell,i tried the razor spell that cuts people around me, but it doesnt seem to work, its a weird buggy spell. Then at this point im out of summons lol, i think im supposed to kill Irenicus after all this shit too LOL
Honesty i have to admit the thief cleric is kinda lame late game, my thaco still sucks even in TOB, its missing some juice like planetars...something that tilts fight in a hard way, if i was thief/mage, jesus id have WAY more stuff to cast, BS arcane have its insane.
(That version of Aran Linvail has a wand of monster summoning with five charges, and he's apparently scripted to use it. Also, being an enemy, he doesn't have a summoning limit like you do.)
So, that leaves the three bosses. Eltan is a fighter, most notable for having a shield of reflection. Don't attack him with missile weapons, but other than that he's nothing you haven't dealt with before. Linvail is a mage/thief; in addition to the wand summons, expect him to cast spells and try to go invisible so he can backstab you. Ellesime is a pure cleric, and she's not wearing heavy armor. She's the most vulnerable to being taken out of the fight quickly if you attack her.
Go invise, a few backstabs, sometimes i dropped pit fiend quick, leave, slowly bleeding them, then it starts snowballing and i everrar´ded slinged gromnir, he even had moral failure
My character is pretty fucked up in the head, i also bashed the ilmater cleric head with a club because she refused give me tips how enter palace. Hes a true son of Bhaal.
On to Yaga Shura, its the battle between David and tiny gnome....and the giga chad with 20 inch missile...who will be victorious ???
Became invisible to scout area....landed few traps in key they chase me and ill slowly bleed them....i had some tactical summons on the starting point...with more traps of course
Yaga Shura eventually came and started chasing me, in david vs goliath manner, i pulled him to me and kept slinging him, while he stepped on traps....quite easy in fact....shame i couldnt take his heart as souvenir... but my gnome in rp manner beheaded him with a rusty knife and played with his trophy
Another area in pocket plane got open, this gave more challenge, i managed put some traps one shotting semaj, the traps dont shoot my doppelganger which is strange, but with summons i overwhelmed him
In the last image a monk brutally beaten a priest to death, my character standed idly enjoying the free entertainment.
In next episode we are going to murder a lot of blueish drows, stay tuned !
tactical is like core rules i think.
Nothing that sendai threw at me is remotely a problem, traps and summons mop everything...
But now the most hard fight in the game, IMO... im gonna be at this fight for a while, may even be end of walkthrough
theres no save scumming, no weaving between areas...
the most annoying part are the death spells that can clean all summons....they are brootal, and drow just keep pouring in...
Is this the END of my game...or will we make it ???
thats right, our GNOME stands victorious and will claim his rightful throne of power
Super hard , long battle, 45 min at least of running around arena slinging drows...
Once the sendai clones are weak and lose moral, its possible run opposite side and save scum,
i ran out of summons, look at that caranage !!! i summons like 4 pit fiends
i died once in her final version, shes quite op, starts with implosion wich can be devastating, and she abuses creeping doom, but with ring of gaxx our GNOME stands healthy
she uses stoneskins like 8 times, her summons are infinite ??' i cant say, but turn undead makes her skellies mine and helps against her spiders, eventually she drops
Our gnome reduced the world drow population probably by 2 digits in this area,
in next episode theres dragon roasted meat !!
At some point he blinded me, which i thanked so i can put traps immediately below him , next the bald monk, were gonna give him a better hairline
That's because it's not undead. It's demonic, as you really should have expected from something that looks like the Slayer. It's also not that hard to tank; THAC0 5 (slashing), only 1d6+2 physical and 1d6 cold damage, and level drain which your solo character should definitely be running immunity to. Lots of attacks per round, but if you keep your defenses up you can ignore it for a while.
Death Tyrants are undead, though. Those, you can steal with Turn Undead. And then the scripting ... actually, that might be a problem. Beholder scripts are very much designed around attacking the party, and may not work properly if their allegiance changes. Then Mel will splat it with her own version of Turn Undead, and you've at least gotten rid of the thing.
As for Melissan herself, her spellcasting is all on timers. She doesn't care about memorization; basically everything is unlimited if the fight goes on long enough.
The Silver Sword ... look, you're wielding a weapon without proficiency, and it's something you put together back in SoA. You'd have to hit (-3 non-proficiency penalty, +3 enchantment bonus for a net 0 modifier), you'd have to get lucky on that 25% chance, and you'd have to have the enemy fail the save. All at one attack per round, or two with haste. For something that she can just summon again a couple rounds later. Stick to the weapons your character is actually good with, and focus on actually making progress in the fight.
Well, at least this fight is the last one you should have to worry about. Rounds two, three, and four with Mel should be a snap.