Can Anyone Recommend Any Newer Quest Mods For The Saga, Especially BGI:EE?

in BG:EE Mods
Mostly extra side quests, that are separate from the main story. New areas and cities, are very welcome, along with combat (instead of trap) heavy dungeons. I'm looking for recommendations that add quests that stay true to the theme of the games, and aren't too wacky or jarring. The only mod I'm using in regards to the main story is the Skie mod, that finishes her SOD story in BGII:EE.
I'm also a fan of Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC) and Northern Tales of the Sword Coast - if you're OK with newer versions of older mods.
EDIT: A little more explanation, I mean the "" package.
The .iemod packages are for Project Infinity which works with an own weidu installer.
Cheers Jastey