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[v0.4b] Sword Coast Customs - a mod for BG: EE



  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    edited May 2023
    Thanks for adding the translation !

    Two questions for you, if you don't mind :

    - How does the import to bg2 detect which weapon has been created ?

    - With the addition of "REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bgee~" the mod is no longer installable on EET ?

    By the way, it's possible that something goes wrong, I don't have the French translation in the realease archive, the files of the release seem to be quite different from those of the github master. (at least for the tra folder and lib folder)

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
  • liberalbiasliberalbias Member Posts: 24
    JohnBob wrote: »
    Thanks for adding the translation !

    Two questions for you, if you don't mind :

    - How does the import to bg2 detect which weapon has been created ?

    - With the addition of "REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bgee~" the mod is no longer installable on EET ?

    By the way, it's possible that something goes wrong, I don't have the French translation in the realease archive, the files of the release seem to be quite different from those of the github master. (at least for the tra folder and lib folder)

    Yikes, I did upload the wrong zip/tar files. I have fixed them and re-uploaded, so everything should be there now!

    BG2 uses IMPORT02.2DA to look for which weapon to import. I have simply included all the weapons from my mod at the top of that file, so if they are present in the player's inventory, they will be imported first.

    I will update the predicate to include EET, that's my fault for not playing EET and forgetting about it.

    I have also forgotten about fixing Taerom's dialog to not say it will take multiple days, so I will fix that shortly as well.

    Thank you for the translations, and for all the feedback!
  • liberalbiasliberalbias Member Posts: 24
    Ok, I just updated this to 0.4b, and fixed a couple little bugs, updated Taerom's dialog and added EET back into the mix.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    Thanks a lot for the quick correction !

    I sent you a pull request with the updated translation for setup.tra and taerom tra.

    And added some backup entries for the French translation in tp2, in case you add new lines and until they are translated.
  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 77
    So if you have the weapon in your inventory at the end of BG1/SoD, you have it in BG2? Is it in the starting dungeon?
  • liberalbiasliberalbias Member Posts: 24
    So if you have the weapon in your inventory at the end of BG1/SoD, you have it in BG2? Is it in the starting dungeon?

    Yes, normally if you have Varscona or Ashideena in your inventory at the end of BG1, you will find them in the round room with the sewer golem in the starting dungeon of BG2. This mod now modifies BG2 to put the custom weapon you create in BG1 into the same place (instead of Varscona or Ashideena).
  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 77
    That's awesome :) I hope you make a BG2 version so we can keep upgrading our weapon.
  • liberalbiasliberalbias Member Posts: 24
    That's awesome :) I hope you make a BG2 version so we can keep upgrading our weapon.

    I just commissioned the new art assets for the BG2 versions of the weapon. The upgraded weapons will be completely made of fire/cold/electric/acid, except for the hilt/handle, so they should look pretty awesome when they're all done! Then I'll add dialog for Cromwell to upgrade them.

    The final BG1 weapon is a +2 weapon that does 2 extra elemental damage. The weapon upgraded from Cromwell will be a +3 weapon, but I'm not completely sure what else it should do, and I'd love suggestions. I'm currently thinking that it could provide some elemental resistances, or do something like 1d6 elemental damage, or maybe both?

    I also haven't started thinking about the next upgrade in ToB from Cespenar. In that upgrade I would like to offer the choice of some more powerful enchantments, like +1 APR, Holy Avenger, Defender (maybe physical resist?), etc.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2023
    Interesting. Is there any reason there are no longswords as options, or is there something I'm overlooking? Also, I assume the best place in an install order would be between most item packs and item modifiers like Item Revisions and Forgotten Armaments?
    but I'm not completely sure what else it should do, and I'd love suggestions. I'm currently thinking that it could provide some elemental resistances, or do something like 1d6 elemental damage, or maybe both?

    I also haven't started thinking about the next upgrade in ToB from Cespenar. In that upgrade I would like to offer the choice of some more powerful enchantments, like +1 APR, Holy Avenger, Defender (maybe physical resist?), etc.

    First thing that comes to mind is, maybe have a look at a similar system, like the one in NWN? The crafting skills were crap but In Hordes of the Underdark you could pay to add up to ~5 effects on a weapon. NWN2 expanded the crafting system but it made it a pain in the ass to use.

    Maybe have Cromwell or Cespenar go "I did X to it, seemed a good fit for you", adding some sort of passive or active ability that would be thematically fitting to a Bhaalspawn of X class. Maybe have him ask some questions to refine the decision (example: "I've noticed you use a shield." then replay a) "I'm sworn to protect my friends", b) "Best offense is a good defense" or c) "Actually I like the look on their faces when I bash them with it"). Might be a tad complex tho?

  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited May 2023
    This looks very cool. Thank you
    It really opens up possibilities for new playthroughs - it doesnt really help against restartis on the other hand…

    If I could ask for two things, it would be

    1) that you added cold iron or whats its called - so you can hit the Loup Garou on the werewolf island?
    Ps. Enchantment given by the love interest on the werewolf island, that you have to get Belladonna or by the wizard on the island for bringing him the spellbook.

    2) adding the +3 enchantment at some point. This way you could you could use it in SoD against the final boss. Or make it +3 against demons.
    Ps. The enchantment is given by Hurgan Stoneblade after Durlags Tower quest

    Its just suggestions anyway, so its up to you. The mod looks cool no matter what
  • liberalbiasliberalbias Member Posts: 24
    Connelly wrote: »
    Interesting. Is there any reason there are no longswords as options, or is there something I'm overlooking? Also, I assume the best place in an install order would be between most item packs and item modifiers like Item Revisions and Forgotten Armaments?

    Maybe have Cromwell or Cespenar go "I did X to it, seemed a good fit for you", adding some sort of passive or active ability that would be thematically fitting to a Bhaalspawn of X class. Maybe have him ask some questions to refine the decision (example: "I've noticed you use a shield." then replay a) "I'm sworn to protect my friends", b) "Best offense is a good defense" or c) "Actually I like the look on their faces when I bash them with it"). Might be a tad complex tho?

    The mod includes long swords, and every other kind of melee weapon. Taerom will offer to make any weapon in which your main character has a proficiency, and there is a separate option to choose a different weapon type, so you should be able to pick any weapon you want. Let me know if you find any bugs where that isn't true!

    I like the idea of Cromwell asking you questions to determine what kind of weapon to make, like the old character creation system from Ultima VII, or the more recent mythic spear from Pillars of Eternity. I'll have to give some thought to what kinds of questions, and what sorts of weapons they would lead to!
  • liberalbiasliberalbias Member Posts: 24
    This looks very cool. Thank you
    It really opens up possibilities for new playthroughs - it doesnt really help against restartis on the other hand…

    If I could ask for two things, it would be

    1) that you added cold iron or whats its called - so you can hit the Loup Garou on the werewolf island?
    Ps. Enchantment given by the love interest on the werewolf island, that you have to get Belladonna or by the wizard on the island for bringing him the spellbook.

    2) adding the +3 enchantment at some point. This way you could you could use it in SoD against the final boss. Or make it +3 against demons.
    Ps. The enchantment is given by Hurgan Stoneblade after Durlags Tower quest

    Its just suggestions anyway, so its up to you. The mod looks cool no matter what

    Those are cool ideas, I'll see what I can do. My current plan was to build the +3 versions of the weapon in BG2, but it would be fun to have the option to do that in Siege of Dragonspear as well. I'm not sure how to fit cold iron in thematically, since it isn't clear that would be available to Taerom or the player in the campaign.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited May 2023
    Thank you @liberalbias
    No matter what, the mod looks cool as it is.

    The + 3 enchantment in SoD, should be very late in the game. Its only for the final boss, so you could postpone the enchantment to the last chapter as I see it. But its your storytelling, so you call it how you see it.

    The cold iron could be an enchantment from Draedell ? But its hard to fit in the story I’d reckon…

    Ps. My idea spamming is a compliment. I really like the idea of getting to use other weapon types. I always end up taking the same routes and using the same weapons. It seems you did the same - but did something about it instead. Kudos
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    A contrary opinion: +3 weaponry is already available in Ulgoth's Beard (quarterstaff) without having to kill anything. Xan has a +3 Moonblade dagger which is normally icky, but existed before Tales of the Sword Coast released. Thus, having to wait for SoD to make +3 weaponry seems way too long.
  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    If your concern is hitting belhifet, you could just let the weapons hit as though they were +3 without making them true +3 weapons.
  • shaneselvashaneselva Member Posts: 1
    @liberalbias hi there, will you be including throwing weapons: axes, hammers or throwing spear in the future.
    Thank you for the mod.
  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 77
    Maybe the Smith in SoD could upgrade the weapon with an item from one of the late game quests (perhaps the shadow gem you find in the baby dragon lair?)
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