BG2: "Not enough Disk Space to Save Game"

So I decided to take a break from my BG1 run to play BG2 but when starting the game I was greeted with the phrase "Not enough disk space to save the game" and some files listed as "Invalid" with a series of numbers next to them. My BG1 game is just fine, I'm not certain what is going on. Could someone help me? I'm posting this on both forums
If you are on Windows 10/11, where is the game installed? If it is anywhere in the \Programs folder, than it may be that is the problem (MS have protected that part of the drive). Try copying the BG2EE folder to another outside of the \Programs folder (like \Games\BG2EE) and see what happens then. Run using Baldur.exe.
What virus protection are you running? This could also present some problems. If the above didn't work, then try temporarily disabling it and run the game.
That is a couple of quick ones. If they don't work, we can try more once we have the info above.
Good Luck
I think I solved the problem by reinstalling my game, I'll keep you updated
Happy gaming
Everything is A-ok!