I lost Neera and I would like to teleport or locate her via console but don't know how

I need her to do her quest but I must have dismissed her in some location and told her to 'wait there' because she isn't in her safe heaven village. I haven't been able to manually find her, is there a way to spawn her from console? Or to teleport to her location?
MoveGlobal takes three arguments; in order, the area to move to, the object to move, and the location (a coordinate pair) to move to within that area. For example, here's a line from the area script for the Coalition Camp in SoD: Wherever she was, if she's alive and not in the party, move her to that location when you arrive at the camp. Obviously, you need to know your current area's code and your coordinates within that area to use this well; these can be found by simply typing "x" with your cursor pointing to a spot on the ground, even without the console active.
MoveGlobalObject takes two parameters; in order, the object to move and the object (in the current area) to move to. For example, here's a line for when you let your pseudodragon familiar out of your pack: You sent that familiar to nowhere when you put it in your pack. After this action, it'll be at your feet.
Let's say you're at the southern entrance to Athkatla's slum district. Here are two ways to move Neera to you, in console syntax:
C: MoveGlobal("ar0400","neera",[3000,2900])
C: MoveGlobalObject("neera",Player1)
If you want to find her, you can do that by looking at the save in an editor such as Near Infinity. Global creatures such as NPCs that have been in the party are stored in the save's .GAM file; the header for that creature includes entries for its current area and coordinates within that area.
(Non-serious comment as you've already been given plenty of good advice from the posts above)
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Thankfully she wasn't stuck as a squirrel xD but that's mostly because I don't let her cast spells in combat anymore