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Ideal mod install order. Any advice?

Shin0b1G6Shin0b1G6 Member Posts: 23
edited May 2023 in General Modding
Hello. So, I'm planning on playing the Baldur's Gate saga [minus SOD] with my own personal modlist of choice. All mods are the latest versions and I'm playing the Enhanced Editions, too. The mods in question are:


-BG1EE Classic Movies [restore original movies while replacing new ones]
-BG Mini Quests and Encounters
-BG1 NPC Project [undecided on romance components]
-BG1 unfinished Business
-Balduraan Sea Tower
-Shades of the Sword Coast
-Chatty Imoen
-Aerie in BG1


-Imoen4Ever [may use Back to Brynnlaw instead if advised]
-Edwin Romance [new epilogue for Viccy only]
-Colors of infinity quests
-BG2 Unfinished Business
-Adalon's Blood
-Lucy the Wyvern
-The Minotaur and Lilacor
-Solaufein [jasty version, not weimer]
-Banter Packs
-IEP Extended Banters
-friendship mods [all but Dorn and Hexxat, more on that below]
-Haer'Dalis Romance
-Corthala Romantique
-The Sellswords
-Longer Road
-Wheels of Prophect
-Homeward Bound
-Almetaria's Restoration Project
-Item Upgrade [possibly]
-d0Questpack [excluding Shadow Thieves component because it's buggy]
-maybe the following NPC mods, though I'm not sure yet [Xan, Kivan, Ajantis, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Yeslick, Alora]
-Yoshimo's Remorse [potentially]
-Khalid [to emulate the Virmire dilemma in Mass Effect, another Bioware title, though I don't need to say that]
-either Nalia romance mod paired with Nalia at Last [feedback on this one'd be great]
-Eilistraee's Song

Both Games:

-Rogue Rebalancing
-Portraits, Portraits Everywhere
-The Picture Standard
-Convenient EENPCs [looking to disable the new NPCs added by the Enhanced Editions]
-Tweaks Anthology

If anyone can give me tips for a perfect install order with these mods in a way that makes my game stable and improved, that'd be wonderful. I'm also open to any suggestions and criticisms as needed. Thank you and have a good day.
Post edited by Shin0b1G6 on


  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2023
    I'm interested to know the source for Shadow Thieves' content in Questpack being buggy - have you experienced that? A quick google search suggests that was being complained about back in 2011, but the latest version of the mod is 2020...

    As for install order, are you playing EET? If so, then for a start Aerie for BG1 and BG1 Unfinished Business will have to be installed onto BG1 before you install EET.

    Not sure if Homeward Bound works with EE?
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 62
    I think I would do this order with your choice of mods:

    -dlc merger
    -BG1 unfinished Business
    -Aerie in BG1



    -BG2 Unfinished Business
    -Almetaria's Restoration Project
    -BG Mini Quests and Encounters
    -BG1 NPC Project [undecided on romance components]
    -Balduraan Sea Tower
    -Shades of the Sword Coast
    -Colors of infinity quests
    -Adalon's Blood
    -Lucy the Wyvern
    -The Minotaur and Lilacor
    -The Sellswords
    -Wheels of Prophecy

    -Chatty Imoen
    -Solaufein's rescue

    - Alternatives
    - Imoen4Ever compatibility with Alternatives component
    -Longer Road

    -Yoshimo's Remorse
    -De'Arnise romance
    -Nalia at Last
    -friendship/romance mods
    -Banter Packs
    -IEP Extended Banters


    -Item Upgrade [possibly]


    -Rogue Rebalancing

    -BG1EE Classic Movies [restore original movies while replacing new ones]
    -Convenient EENPCs [looking to disable the new NPCs added by the Enhanced Editions]
    -Tweaks Anthology
    -EET End

    -Portraits, Portraits Everywhere
    -The Picture Standard

    Some notes:

    - I'm a player, not a modder. But I have run quite a few test installs for a lot of these mods.
    - The latest version of Imoen4Ever recommends I think installing the SoA elements early in your install order and the SoD elements very late, alongside tweaks. However I don't think you are installing any of the other mods that need to come before the SoD bit, so splitting may be unnecessary for you. Jastey may of course correct me on this.
    - There are wiser heads than mine that will say that SCS and tweak mods should be installed after EET End, and/or that SCS should be installed after atweaks, despite what the readme says, because atweaks is an older mod and not updated in a while (though camdawg's fork seems quite recent to me). I'll let them say why here if they wish. I think maybe the NPC bits of SCS get borked? I don't use those, I use NPC_EE.
    - I assume since you are installing IWD-ification you won't need the IWD spells element of SCS so you won't have to split the install of that mod.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited May 2023
    The order from @megrimlock looks pretty good to me. But I think the Op doesn't want to make an EET install, just mod Bg1 and BG2 separately?

    One thing: I would move the BGII components from Imoen4Ever further up, after EndlessBG1.

    The SoD components would go into the NPC mods section, but they are of no concern to you anyway if you do not have / play SoD.

    If you want to mod the games separately, the list would need to be reworked accordingly.
    -Imoen4Ever [may use Back to Brynnlaw instead if advised]
    I would be interested why you weigh I4E against Back to Brynnlaw - the mods are nothing alike?
  • Shin0b1G6Shin0b1G6 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2023
    Hey jastey. Thanks for the reply. You too megrimlock. Yes, I am playing these games separately as per jastey's comment. But to answer her question, honestly, not sure if they conflict in any way. Both Imoen4Ever and Back to Brynnlaw I mean. But I'd like to use both if possible. As for Alternate Shadow Thieves from d0questpack, I asked that same question on this same forum recently, and have been told it's buggy. Any additional insight would definitely help out a lot. Oh, and thank you for the install order megrimlock. That'll really help me out if I ever do a EET run. In which case, I'd add Skie: the cost of one girl's soul, and any of jastey's mods that greatly improve [in my opinion] the events of SOD, since that's a known requirement for EET as far as I'm aware. Sorry if I'm asking noob questions, but know I really appreciate the assistance.

    Oh, almost forgot, I'm also planning to use Eilistraee's Song in my modlist. Lemme fix that now real quick.

    And done.
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