Mage's Quest: The contest

in BGII:EE Mods
I've been looking all over Amn to find the items for this quest...but, I have had no success. Does anyone know of a guide or could tell me where they're located? The hints sadly don't do much for me I am afraid...
Thank you in advance if anyone can help!
Thank you in advance if anyone can help!
"A mage named Pietro told us about a contest that he was running, and we correctly answered the first riddle he presented. After a few minutes of explanation we agreed to enter the contest. We have been given a scroll with another riddle...on the scroll is written a poem which tells us about four items, all located in Athkatla. We have (3) days to find them. I can't help but wonder what the prize will be..."
The quest is given from a gnome in the government district who is slightly a ways away from where the "wine collector" quest npc is standing (who I believe is from the mod "the white queen")
Thank you! I completely forgot to check the mod folder for a readme. Much appreciated for the info.