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Questions about the BG1 NPC Project

ÆonTheBhaalspawnÆonTheBhaalspawn Member Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in BG:EE Mods
I initially liked the NPC Project for how it gave more personality and banter to the other characters (particularly Imoen) but currently at chapter 5/6... it kind of fell off? My party is composed by Dorn, Alora, Kivan, Branwen and Edwin, aside from Dorn who doesn't have much banter with the others or any sort of extra interaction anyways, I'm kind of bummed that they don't say anything just like in vanilla.
With Alora at least I assume it has something to do with her being a Chapter 5 character since I used mods to make her appear earlier (I wanted my team to be racially varied okay?) but the other three also don't have much to say, Kivan seems to have ran out of banter honestly? He said a lot more stuff earlier on, but he's more quiet now, Edwin hasn't talked to me for a long time, maybe it was because I was mean to him when he previously talked to me? (Which is a shame really since I liked making fun of him ;-;) and with Branwen I can't even remember last time she talked with me.
Are these any sort of alignment or reputation shenanigans going on? Or did I just get a bad team composition for banter? Bugs? Conflicting mods?
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  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited May 2023
    What NPC mod? I assume you mean the BG1NPC Project, but you do not clearly say.

    There is no extended friendship tracks in this mods, the NPCs banter with each other a couple of times, there is some 1- dialogues with the PC, some have a small quest.
    The only extended NPC-PC dialogue paths are the romances.
  • ÆonTheBhaalspawnÆonTheBhaalspawn Member Posts: 2
    So there's nothing wrong going on? Damn. Are there more mods that expands bantering?
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 927
    There are some "friendship" mods that expand banters for particular companions (e.g., Xan, Coran, Ajantis, etc.). Most (if not all) are compatible with the BG1 NPC Project.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Banter: NPC-NPC conversations
    Dialogues: NPC-PC dialogues

    The several NPC friendship mods add NPC-PC dialogues. I wouldn't know of another mod that adds more NPC-NPC banter between the BG1 NPC.
  • The_Baffled_KingThe_Baffled_King Member Posts: 147
    There are two ways to characterise the BG1 NPC Project, in my opinion. The first characterisation is "bunch of people who had stuff they wanted to do with specific NPCs grouped their work together into one mod, calling it the BG1 NPC Project, because grouping it together was a big project, and heck it's a pretty reasonable name to use, all things considered". The second characterisation is "bunch of people conceived of and made what they called the BG1 NPC Project, this being a project to add content to the BG1 NPCs to make them more like the BG2 NPCs".

    The two descriptions produce very similar results in a lot of cases, but there are outliers, by which I mean that a few NPCs got far more content than the average, and a few NPCs got far less content than the average. Why? Well, with the former characterisation, the amount of attention given to each NPC will vary depending on what the authors fancied doing with their leisure time; with the latter characterisation, the authors will try to do a better job at giving each NPC an equal amount of attention. Additionally, two NPCs with a roughly equal amount of content might have that content distributed in different places. One might have their content spread between banters, interjections, a romance, and a side quest, while another with a roughly equal amount of content might have tons of interjections and banters, but no romance or side quest.

    Note that I'm no historian of the mod, by the way. I'd expect there was probably more of a process whereby the first characterisation tried to turn into the second, but its origins still influenced the final product, or the second characterisation sort of drifted towards the first, because (to be fair) it's an awful lot of work to do as a hobby.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    There can only be so much content as content is written, sayeth the wise Aloundo.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Xan got a lot of love and has the option to romance him in BG1 and, with the BG2 Xan mod, also in BG2!
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Actually it was a fairly centralised project, with individual character czars assigned who would check interactions written by others. Of course, there are still large discrepancies between the most and least talkative NPCs. I recommend occasionally rotating NPCs in a heavily modded and therefore slow install lest they run out of banters early on.
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