what are the mysterious potions at the guarded house (temple area)

there is a mansion at the temple area, which can be looted. you need to fight some monsters at the 1st floor and the guards at the 2nd floor. there are a minotaur and an orog among the guards and both of them have some strange potion, which they immediately drink as soon as the battle starts, and you can loot just the empty bottles.
nowhere else there are bottles like that, usually you drink potion and the bottle just disappears.
i was wondering what where these potions. there is no way to tell by the empty bottles.

i never succeeded with killing any of them before they drink the potion. i suspect they may already have just the empties, but so far have no proof for this either.
i tried to use a cheat to kill them instantly and look at the drop, but the only kill cheat i knew didn't work there no matter how many times i tried (i did this way: enable cheats; run the game, put a cursor on a target and press ctrl+y together)
i was wondering what these are supposed to be
nowhere else there are bottles like that, usually you drink potion and the bottle just disappears.
i was wondering what where these potions. there is no way to tell by the empty bottles.

i never succeeded with killing any of them before they drink the potion. i suspect they may already have just the empties, but so far have no proof for this either.
i tried to use a cheat to kill them instantly and look at the drop, but the only kill cheat i knew didn't work there no matter how many times i tried (i did this way: enable cheats; run the game, put a cursor on a target and press ctrl+y together)
i was wondering what these are supposed to be
The whole "Guarded Compound" was presumably intended to be quest content, but that never made it out of development. They're probably connected to the slavers, but that's just speculation with no hard evidence. The empty potion bottles might be remnants of whatever quest was planned.
As it is now, those empty potion bottles are just useless space-fillers.
way back i played bg2 with a mode that tried to restore some abandoned quests. i remember a couple of quests that mode restored: minsc loosing boo and continuation for the aerie starting quest - kalah did his illusion in the circus because of the genie lamp, and we should get rid of it. but even there guarded compound was still like it is, without any additional content. interesting, what that quest could be, all the other slave stuff was in the slums, but who knows!
the forum is dead, so the link is to the webarchive
The mod you spoke of is "Unfinished Business", which is still around. It generally works with scraps of stuff that's already in the game files, repairing and expanding it to function as quest content or interesting encounters. There just isn't enough to work off of for the Guarded Compound, so that doesn't get a component.
Only thing I could think of is moving Nalia's elsewhere in that situation if the player already searched the compound. This way, the mod wouldn't take anything "away". Hmm...
if the korgan approach feels unsutable, there is also anomen approach. we can loot the mansion at the bridge at any time, but if we are doing anomen's quest, necessary npcs will spawn there even if you already looted the place.
both of these ways are good imo and both of these ways are already introduced even in pre-ee version. so it's not out of place to try any.
An excerpt from the area script:
You're not meant to get in there without Anomen. The front door even has lock difficulty 100 and starts locked, so you can't enter it without an act of plot. But ... Anomen leaves the party when he goes to confront Saerk on his own (in the romance/knight path), so you have to be able to get in. And so the second-floor door has lock difficulty zero, so you can get in there no matter what. Even if you never recruited Anomen at all. Oops.
The ability to enter Saerk's place when you're not confronting him as part of Anomen's quest is an oversight; it's the result of a poorly implemented solution to a scripting mistake. It's not something you should pull out when talking about how things should be.
but i never said i used a front door. you can go there by the door on top of the ladder any time you want. it was like that pre ee and it is like that now) it works even without anomen in the party
idk, if true, well... maybe. but it works like that for ~20 years. it always worked like that. all the gamers who played bg saw that place like that and probably looted it with or without anomen. so if @jastey is going to make a mode with a similar mechanic it will not become a surprise to anyone.
But how much sense would it make storywise? Not much in my eyes unless I'd come up with a good reason why whatshisname would leave his compromising notes in there after the compound was already identified as a slave trader hideout. That's my main problem with connecting the two quests in the compound. And having the player find Nalia's quest note too early would not be a good idea, either.
anyway, if you will do the mode, let me know!