Missing deva tears

I bought the tongue and tears before I promised to help Ecco. When I get to the pint after I give her the tongue and need to get the tears (which I bought) they are not in my inventory. I checked a bunch of merchants and didn’t see it. (Just in case I sold it.)
In fact I reloaded my only other past save that’s close to this act and even before I use the tongue the deva tears are missing. They are no longer in V’s shop. I am playing EE and my only save before this is back in dead nation…
Am I screwed?
Edit I am in switch so I can’t spawn one in smh
In fact I reloaded my only other past save that’s close to this act and even before I use the tongue the deva tears are missing. They are no longer in V’s shop. I am playing EE and my only save before this is back in dead nation…
Am I screwed?
Edit I am in switch so I can’t spawn one in smh
What may have happened is that you had the item in the first slot of your full inventory, then got another item from an NPC, in which case the first item in your inventory is dropped on the ground (would be the Deva's Tears in your case) and the newly aquired item appears in the now free slot. As a player you might not notice when this happens, especially when you are immersed in the story and atmophere. Or just eager to progress.
Either the missing item got replaced by the game mechanics without you noticing, or you've run into a bug.
Anyway, would be a bit too much to check literally everywhere if the Deva's Tears are somewhere on the ground...
Normally I am against using cheats during the first playthrough(s).
But in your case, it may be a thing.
Just make sure you get yourself only the Deva's Tears and resist the temptation to do anything else, as this may take out the fun of the game.
And from now, you better save more often.
Links on how to activate the cheat console and information on how to use it in-game can be found here: