Replacing Imoen in Prologue/Korlasz's Lair

Hi. I heard that if you import your party with Imoen from BG to SOD she is removed and possibly replaced by Safana or the slot is left free, depending on the thief skills of your party...
Does anyone know the exact conditions under which that choice is made by the game? Many thanks!
Does anyone know the exact conditions under which that choice is made by the game? Many thanks!
In bd0120.bcs is Imoen's leaving the party. This area script calls the script bdintro.bcs. There, the thieving capacity of the group is checked. if it is a continuing game, Imoen were in Party, and the party now lacks thieveing skills, Safana is addd to the party:
That's basically it. For seeing how the thieving skills are evaluated, best you look into the bdintro.bcs.
It also means, if the party still has thieving skills, it will start with one NPC less in the crypt.
Please can you tell me where these ".bcs" files are located so I can take a closer look?
In Near Infinity, if you open the game with it, the menue on the left side should also list the bcs files. Opening the one you are looking for will display the content. NI also has search features where you could search for terms inside the bcs etc. so you don't have to scan it manually.