Irenicus (Suldeneselar) and Spell Protections

So can anyone explain this?
(Base game unmodded)
The fight starts and Irenicus throws up Absolute Immunity, Spell Shield,Spell Trap and Prot from energy, i turn off AI and have my MC DM Monk stand and dispel illusions near him, he than puts both fireshields and a mislead, the clone gets dispelled and i have edwin cast Time Stop+Imp Alacrity, now here is the issue:
Example 1:
Edwin stands infront of irenicus face and casts ruby ray, move back ruby ray and once more now move back and spellstrike and 3 breaches and after each breach move back a bit.
Time stop ends and nothing happens the battle log simply says "Spell Inefective"??
Example 2:Edwin stands infront of irenicus face and casts 1 SECRET WORD and basically everything the same from example 1.
He is somehow dispelled and the breaches ht him and dispelled him aswell.
Now idk if im missing something but either Spell Shield is bugged during time stop or something. Id like to know what happens cuz spell removers always kinda confused me and id like to now know what the hell is happening lol.
(Base game unmodded)
The fight starts and Irenicus throws up Absolute Immunity, Spell Shield,Spell Trap and Prot from energy, i turn off AI and have my MC DM Monk stand and dispel illusions near him, he than puts both fireshields and a mislead, the clone gets dispelled and i have edwin cast Time Stop+Imp Alacrity, now here is the issue:
Example 1:
Edwin stands infront of irenicus face and casts ruby ray, move back ruby ray and once more now move back and spellstrike and 3 breaches and after each breach move back a bit.
Time stop ends and nothing happens the battle log simply says "Spell Inefective"??
Example 2:Edwin stands infront of irenicus face and casts 1 SECRET WORD and basically everything the same from example 1.
He is somehow dispelled and the breaches ht him and dispelled him aswell.
Now idk if im missing something but either Spell Shield is bugged during time stop or something. Id like to know what happens cuz spell removers always kinda confused me and id like to now know what the hell is happening lol.
i think all of these spells use a projectile, which is frozen until time stop ends, that's why.
Possibly the reason is an other: Ruby Ray can dispel the Spell Trap, but if it is neutralized by Spell Shield is not dispelling it, so the Spell Trap adsorbs all the following spells up to 30 levels.
If Secret World is used before the RR the Shield neutralizes it instead of RR, then RR neutralizes the ST and the combo works.
Despite the wording of Spellstrike, Ruby Ray, Secret Word, etc... none of them actually remove Spell Shield. They just trigger Spell Shield's effect, and then Spell Shield terminates itself because it blocked a spell.
However, spell protections can only trigger once every 25 ticks (1.66.... seconds) (half/double for haste/slow), so Spell Shield will continue to block spells that strike within it's current 25 tick window, before it terminates.