Developing a dual-classed Bounty Hunter29/Fighter30

Well, I started on HoF with an imported level 9 (I played it before) human Bounty Hunter in Easthaven, dual-classable to a Fighter.
Among thief kits, the Bounty Hunter, thanks to the heavy usage of traps, is the easiest to start on HoF. 😎
Among thief kits, the Bounty Hunter, thanks to the heavy usage of traps, is the easiest to start on HoF. 😎
N.B. The maximum is 7 traps per area. It's enough to kill most of monsters there. 🪤💀
But unless you dual to mage, you can't, so it doesn't matter.
I don't remember if there are any objects with 'blindness' charges or something.
Yeah, nice exploit! 👍 I've remembered it right now, when U mentioned it. 😉
I recall also my attempt to use the Self-Deafness vs Harpies 😜:
Well the deafness vs harpies makes sense... If you can't hear the scream you should be inmune to the effect. Nice if the game works this way. Seems not a exploit to me actually.
Ye the blindness+traps thing is 100% an exploit ofc 🙃