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how to get a particular end for Rasaad

I know that it is possible for him to
with you at the end of Siege of Dragonspear. Purely for RP reasons, does anyone know what I need to do to get that ending? Last time I tried, I got him NOT doing that. I'm thinking about a character who is a paladin with all the stereotypes who, after she gets
at the end of Dragonspear, becomes a Blackguard. I'm thinking her lover
breaking up with her and saying some pretty hurtful things in the process
would just really nail the whole thing together perfectly. I am not opposed to using EEkeeper to change variables, I just need to know which ones to change and what to change them to. (I'll already be using it to change the class anyway)


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Checking the dialogue for Rasaad's jail visit, it looks like the key switch is the "bd_player_exiled" variable which controls whether the authorities secretly let you out or you escape on your own. If that's zero, every path leads to "Should we ever cross paths again, you will be as a stranger to me. I will be cool and unmoving as a glacier before you." and "I was a fool to believe love could ever grow in a Bhaalspawn's heart."
    If "bd_player_exiled" is 1, then you have to say hurtful things first to get that ending, like "You think so little of me? Begone, then, I have no use for you."

    That variable is set in the trial scene. You get exiled if you're either convincingly heroic or convincingly villainous. Offer mixed evidence in the right balance, and that exile doesn't happen. Details:
    +1 hero point, -1 villain point: Saving the Bridgefort. Any of the following that you bring up in the trial: Freeing Madele and telling her to atone. Refusing to poison the crusaders' food and water. Curing the sick soldiers at the coalition camp. Putting your soul on the line in Thrix's game. Being a non-blackguard paladin. Having a reputation of 17 or more.

    -1 hero point, +1 villain point: Choosing the "I'm a Bhaalspawn" option in the cutscene dialog when leaving the city back in chapter 8. Sabotaging the Bridgefort. Any of the following that you bring up: Freeing Madele and telling her to uphold Bhaal's teachings. Poisoning the crusaders' food and water. Executing a suspected traitor. Putting a companion on the line in Thrix's game. Being a blackguard. Having a reputation of 5 or less.

    Admitting to being a Bhaalspawn always comes up, as does the Bridgefort decision. For the rest, you choose up to three things to highlight. Get a net score of 3 in either direction, and you're exiled. Stay in the uncertain middle, and you'll have to escape on your own.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Alternatively, (without my SoD Tweak to make it independent on reply options), just do not defend yourself in the trial, i.e. do not list what you did or didn't do. This will also trigger the assassin ending.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Yes, that's certainly the simplest solution. Getting the exile ending requires defending yourself, because there aren't enough points available before that. So if you don't bother bringing up anything in your own defense, you always "fail" the trial.
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