Evil party formation. Xzar & Monty Vs Neera and someone else in the theif position.

Hey guys I have a question....my current and very evil party is this:
01. (PC) Edmund Blackadder - Blackguard #1 (currently going sword and board to tank)
02. Dorn - Blackguard #2 (Acting as an off-tank for DPS and using a composite longbow without any proficiency points due to his being level 1...but it's actually working quite well so far, he might wind up going into crossbows or shortbows)
03. Vicky - Cleric
04. Edwin - Overpowered Conjurer
05. Monty - (Acting as another off-tank AND thief)
06. Xzar - Mage...and intended to be dueled to cleric at level 6.
BUT...then I got thinking: Dorn, Vicky and Edwin will be coming back in BG2. And so will Neera who is Chaotic Neutral. If I ditch Monty and Xzar before they plot to kill me for Neera...and give her the Intelligence Tome, I've got two mages with 18 Int who will carry over into the next game. The two problems I have from there are, I'm going to need a thief since Monty and Xzar are an item. And...I won't be able to dual Xzar into a cleric.
I was originally going to give the Intelligence Tome to Dorn to boost his Int to 11, so in BG2 he wouldn't get crushed by Illithids who love to suck on brains...but having two mages who cross over with 18 int sounds fantastic.
I could get Imoen but I fear she's too good for this party....that leaves me with:
01. Skie, but I would have to get Eldoth first, then grab her...THEN let Eldoth die so I could go get Neera...
02. Safana
03. Sharteel, and then later duel her to a Thief.
04. Or...let Xzar...have an "accident" in battle...and keep Monty.
What would you do? (PS I wanted to make this a poll but I apparently don't have that option.)
01. (PC) Edmund Blackadder - Blackguard #1 (currently going sword and board to tank)
02. Dorn - Blackguard #2 (Acting as an off-tank for DPS and using a composite longbow without any proficiency points due to his being level 1...but it's actually working quite well so far, he might wind up going into crossbows or shortbows)
03. Vicky - Cleric
04. Edwin - Overpowered Conjurer
05. Monty - (Acting as another off-tank AND thief)
06. Xzar - Mage...and intended to be dueled to cleric at level 6.
BUT...then I got thinking: Dorn, Vicky and Edwin will be coming back in BG2. And so will Neera who is Chaotic Neutral. If I ditch Monty and Xzar before they plot to kill me for Neera...and give her the Intelligence Tome, I've got two mages with 18 Int who will carry over into the next game. The two problems I have from there are, I'm going to need a thief since Monty and Xzar are an item. And...I won't be able to dual Xzar into a cleric.
I was originally going to give the Intelligence Tome to Dorn to boost his Int to 11, so in BG2 he wouldn't get crushed by Illithids who love to suck on brains...but having two mages who cross over with 18 int sounds fantastic.
I could get Imoen but I fear she's too good for this party....that leaves me with:
01. Skie, but I would have to get Eldoth first, then grab her...THEN let Eldoth die so I could go get Neera...
02. Safana
03. Sharteel, and then later duel her to a Thief.
04. Or...let Xzar...have an "accident" in battle...and keep Monty.
What would you do? (PS I wanted to make this a poll but I apparently don't have that option.)
Alternatively, and this is DEFINITELY my personal vote... take Safana for as long as you have to. Make a bum-rush for Baldur's Gate itself. Then pick up the best NPC in any game, ever.
Tiax, He Who Rules from On High.
It's true Imoen will never leave, but I worry she'll be constantly complaining...since...I'm positively evil. And kind of a pompous prat in this game. This has been a real fun roll play so far. I even have custom art of Rowen Atkinson as Blackadder for my Avatar. =P
But I do feel Safana and Sharteel are disposable to a certain extent...so Imoen and keeping Monty are seeming like the best choices so far....
Also, the stat boots from the manuals will only carry over if you give them to yourself.
btw thanks for the Edwin - Neera info, haven't made it so far into the game yet (dead GPU on release day, fun fun fun), been asking around since whether you can have them in the same group
I've casually used Shar-Teel as a "tank" for most of a previous game, on insane, dualclassed at 3 to thief, without any problems - despite the fact that she had a nice 60 hp to go with her grandmastery, and enemies generally jumping her, because that what backstabbing one of 'em to death does.
I found out that even if you kind of "trick" Immy into being with you as an evildoer that if you GAIN rep and disrupt things she will glitch out and leave. (It's not just losing rep that hurts things)
So you can't be straight evil with her around, also Neera at a certain point will freak as you're killing Amnhish soldiers so you have to apoligize to her if she tries to leave to get her back. High Charisma will do the trick but I doubt anything without heavy bonuses would urge her to stick around.
Ultimately I'm back to using Monty and Xzar as per originally planned, so that means Dorn gets the Int Tomb in an effort to make him stronger Vs mind flayers in BG2.
I've never been able to give NPCs any tomes.... always hog them all for my PC even if I don't really need the stat :P